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by .CattFish.
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by .CattFish.

previous entry: prom... four wheeling... whatever. +pictures!+

next entry: donations for the lawfully abused? lol. +pictures+

custom paint!! +pictures!+


So i dont know if ive mentioned that i was involved in a minor fender bender a couple weeks ago... well, a guy in a big silver dodge ram rear ended me! but it wasnt too bad. well, ive been meaning to get a new paint job! ya know, custom! well, its going in the shop wednesday and we know the guy pretty good. so he said if i buy the paint (i get employee discount for advertisement purposes! ) thats all id have to pay! so ive been doing a little photoshopping ( and here's what its gunna look like!! ++keep in mind, i dont have a college degree. plz dont be mean. i just thre it together to make sure i wasnt gunna hate it before it was too late.++

ps: um, very grateful for the picture uploader... but... i HATE having to select 1 picture to upload at a time. thats my only complaint. otherwise, i love it! lol. i dont think i'll be using it tho. i'll stick with photobucket until bloop can upload more than one picture at a time.


the bottom lip uner my grill is gunna be purple. i didnt notice i didnt paint that till i had already uploaded it. lol. youll see it in another picture.

(notice the 'lip')

previous entry: prom... four wheeling... whatever. +pictures!+

next entry: donations for the lawfully abused? lol. +pictures+

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Yes those cats are awesome! They take alot of upkeep thouh with the nakedness. At my old job we had one that was a rescue and his name was Gandolf. lmao. He was awesome

[crazy beautiful |0 likes] [|reply]

Nice pics!

(I added a multiple upload feature, so next time you'll be able to upload them much easier. All it needs now is individual descriptions for the photographs.)

[SteveStar|0 likes] [|reply]


thats a cuteeee paintjob!

[*~Amber~*|0 likes] [|reply]

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