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by .CattFish.
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by .CattFish.

previous entry: AWFUL day. i hate this... really.

next entry: quickie! :D

four wheeling prom queen!


daddys little girl!

So, i didnt wanna go to prom ANYWAY. and its day after tomorrow... and i was dreading it completely. i was sitting on the front porch with mom and daddy and daddy was telling me that him and bunch of our family friends are going on this big four wheeling trip called the poker run. [you pay $20 and you ride 50 miles and you reach these stops along the way, and you get some poker cards at them! and when you reach the end, they give away money!!! (best hand, worst hand, etc.)] And ive always wanted to go, but last year, prom was on the same day as the poker run too. so... ive decided to skip prom and me and rhett are gunna get our prom outfits on and do the poker run in our prom attire!!! forreal! im gunna get my nails done, and my hair done!! im so excited!! im going four wheeling in a prom dress! and we're gunna go get rhett a cheap suit from somewhere tomorrow so we'll fit the scene. lol. i'll take lots of pictures!


previous entry: AWFUL day. i hate this... really.

next entry: quickie! :D

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have fun!!

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