~*~ Cute-ness ~*~ Okay wish us luck because we need all the luck we can get right now. Tomorrow John and I are getting up VERY early in the morning and going to put in a few applications, yes me included even though I'm not supposed to do any work for the next month or so. At this point we simply do NOT have a choice...since we kicked Jason and Kristi out of the house that means that we don't have enough income to make ANY of our bills. Let me stress that fact, we don't have a way to pay one single solitary bill..we have NEVER been this bad off! As it stands we are over $300 behind in rent and almost $1000 on the power ALONE, thats not including the car insurance, cell phone bill, internet bill, gas for the car, every day necessities like toilet paper and so on...you name it we need it. The only reason we still have power is because it is illegal to turn a persons power off during the winter if they have children in the home, but as soon as the weather breaks which will be in the next few days they will be turning it off which will tack on another $400 dollars for disconnect and reconnection fees. If we don't get a job tomorrow we'll end up having to move in with one of my relatives and our only choices are my ex-step mom Sandy and her two kids or my Aunt Rhonda and Uncle Dio who live two hours from here which will leave me with no way to get to any help should I need assistance with the kids or just need to talk with my mom or grandmother! To be honest with you I'm scared shitless...as a mother of two children it is the worse time possible for us to hit rock bottom, but rock bottom is right where we're stuck. Every time I look at Isabel or Talon I want to burst into tears, I feel like I've failed them so completely...I mean I'm their MOTHER, I'm supposed to be the one that keeps a steady roof over their heads, food in their bellies and clean good clothes on their backs. At this point I can't even promise them where we'll be living tomorrow or if we'll be living in the dark or not. I tried calling for financial assistance with the power but there were about 300 people ahead of me...they told me as soon as they reached my name they would call me but I just simply don't know when thats going to be!
On top of the money worries both Isabel and Talon are very sick right now. Isabel has a head cold complete with runny nose, severe cough, ear aches, slight fevers and an ill temper. And poor little Talon has such bad diarrhea that his little butt is bleeding from being so raw. Needless to say I've gotten him the best medicine available to help him and he is starting to do better but it doesn't help his temper in the least. So I've had two screaming babies who are both demanding my attention at the same time, who I'm worried for and wish I could take their pain into myself so they wouldn't have to go through it at all.
Ugh it feels like all I ever do anymore is type about some kind of bad news or other, I just wish that something would go right for me! I've GOT to get a job thats all there is to it, so I don't care what God you believe in..pray for us, think of us, pass on the word whatever it is you believe gives people luck because if something good doesn't happen tomorrow then something bad will...eviction!! I'm outtie, ciao and Blessed Be!