Sad as it may seem, there was a point in my life when I truly believed that there was some element in me that was interesting. Maybe just a minuscule element but an element all the same. It has taken me 22 years to figure out that I am more than likely one of the worlds most uninteresting people. I'm even worse than Ben Stein who, although he is popular for how boring he is, has somehow harnessed the ability to make dull interesting. I can't even achieve that level of boring, I can even go on for an entire paragraph about how boring I am LOL
Anyway, work was not interesting today like everything else in my life...it was however full of bull. As I told those of you who pay attention to my entries yesterday, I had to work over time today which meant coming in 30 minutes early and leaving 30 minutes late. I thought I'd be okay staying up late last night then going into work early this morning...boy was I wrong!!! After that initial energy burst you get from showering and so forth in the morning I found myself literally falling asleep at the sewing machine. I'm lucky as hell I didn't catch my fingers with the needle considering how many times I fell asleep. As many times as I could find an excuse I would run to the bathroom and catch a few winks in the stall. Now keep in mind that normally I would NEVER have done that but I would rather do that than sew my own fingers. Anyhow not only did I have that slowing me down but the damn thread kept popping out of the needle in mid-stride. Then to top it off the supervisor decided she would make me the only person working on my step of the process so of course it got everyone behind because I'm still not moving fast enough but she wanted to get mad at me for slowing people down. Anyway, I was going to type more but it's late and I'm tired so I'm outtie. Caio and Blessed Be!
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