Experiences (Bolding). | 07/09/2009 |
Which of these have you experienced? Bold the ones you have.
Watched a sunset
Watched a sunrise
Stayed up all night
Had a slumber party
Been on stage
Sang in a chorus or choir
Sang alone
Pet a cow
Sat on a roof
Played beach volleyball
Spent over $500 in one day
Spent over $1,000 in one day
Crashed a car
Walked into a wall
Tripped over yourself
Laughed so hard you peed
Cried yourself to sleep
Cried happy tears
Sang your country's national anthem solo
Watched a movie in the front row of a theatre
Hooked up with someone in the movie theatre
Drank hard liquor
Had someone draw on you while you were sleeping
Jumped for joy!
Hated your appearence
Felt beautiful
Been dumped
Been the dumper
Gone 'all four bases'
Ate a whole box of Oreos
Gotten a shirt customized
Slept outside
Had a closet filled with stuff
Painted a room
Fallen in love
Forgiven and forgotten
Bought something off the TV
Walked everywhere
Fallen off a bike
Swam 10 laps without taking a break
Won a medal or trophy for a sport (As long as swimming counts!)
Got on honor roll (We didn't have it here but I probably would have, I was a good student.)
Missed someone
Had a crush on a teacher
Failed a class
Hooked up with someone of the opposite sex
Hooked up with someone of the same sex
Been around the world
Went rock climbing
Been hiking
Gone water-skiing
Felt alive
Been in a limo
Knit something
Cried on someone's shoulder
Let someone cry on your shoulder
Stalked someone on Facebook or MySpace
Had over 1000 friends on Facebook or Myspace
Held a baby
Pinched someone's cheeks
Gotten a massage
Felt completely relaxed
Got all sweaty from playing a sport
Eaten rotten food
Eaten at a 5-star restaurant
Visited all the major cities in America
Dated someone you never thought you'd be interested in
Been on a boat
Went on an overnight school trip
Been on a really big rollercoaster
Thought you were gonna die
Lived your life |
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