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May 3rd.
by an adoption story

previous entry: Update - I'm pregnant again.

next entry: [Girl] Due date

Update + baby information. [Pregnancy photo]


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To all new readers:

I added everyone that wasn't on the list before. You may hit a snag somewhere along the line with Niklas's photos. I was trying to organize the photos before and haven't finished yet.
I will be letting everyone know when the diary is organized.


The adoptive mother called me back the following morning right before my first doctor's appointment.
I'm a pretty blunt person, so I started out by saying "I have something to tell you."

She told me later that she was worried that I was in the hospital, or needed a ride to the hospital.
But I told her that I was pregnant again and she started crying on the phone.

4 days before I called her, they had decided to look for another child to adopt. She wasn't sure how to tell me, so I had no idea that they were really ready for another baby.
She had just been given the "a-okay" to post their profile online and had made their adoption books for other birth mothers to look at.

I told her that I was having a girl, and she told me about the room they were preparing.
That night, we went out for dinner with the adoptive father and Niklas. It amazes me how hands-on the adoptive father is.
He kneeled down by Niklas at the table and put on a cartoon for them to watch together. Earlier that week, the adoptive mother had texted me a photo of them building a spaceship out of a cardboard box. She also sent me a video of the adoptive father helping Niklas to drive a power wheels Jeep.

I don't have the same doctor as I did before, and this one is very respectful and nice to both adoptive parents, just as the last one was. She was very happy to meet them when they went to an appointment with me to listen to the baby's heartbeat.

The adoptive father opted to just come into the room when they were going to listen to the baby's heartbeat. He didn't want to hear about the other stuff they were going to mention.
The nurse went to go and get him from the waiting room, and says "[His name], we are ready for you."
As he got up to leave, he said that about 5 pregnant women all sat forward and watched him walk through the door.

The adoptive mother came with me to my "special" appointments, that are specifically for women who have high-risk pregnancies. My doctor was being cautious because I had such high blood pressure with Niklas.

I had forgotten that sometimes people are not very respectful to adoptive parents. The adoptive mother and I ran into a problem when I was pregnant with Niklas, and we ran into another problem this time around. The doctor was beyond rude to both of us - staring at the adoptive mother and than snapping at me.
Funnily enough, when I went to the second appointment, the doctor who saw us thought we were ... together. He was at least attentive and respectful.

That same day, I was able to meet the adoptive father's mother and his sister. Both welcomed me and were very nice!
We went back to my house with Niklas, and both of them were able to meet both of my grandparents, grandpa and aunt.
I love Niklas, I really do. But I'm a bit of a loner and not used to 2 year olds, so I was very tired by the time they left late in the afternoon.

He knows me by name now and can point me out in photos. He's still a bit young to understand exactly who I am.

The baby girl

She is still very active, and many times during the day, she moves about.
At my 32 week ultrasound, she weighed in at 4.5 pounds.

At the last ultrasound, they wanted to see if she was moving around okay. Her butt is up by my ribs; she is faced down and her foot and hand are normally in front of her face.
She has herself folded in half. When we looked, I felt a flutter at the bottom of my stomach, and it was her moving her hands around. I also was able to see her eye moving around behind the eyelid and was able to see her practice using her diaphragm. It's amazing what she can do already.

The adoptive parents are having a really hard time coming up with a name for her. They like the name Emilie, but are not sure yet.

Here is a photo of when I was pregnant with Niklas compared to what I look like with this pregnancy. My mom asked if I am sure that there are not two babies inside of me. There are not, lol.
I worked a lot with Niklas, and this time around, I work from home. No stress - but not really any exercise either.

I welcome the weight gain, because I know that I can always get active again. But I'm worried about my top half. I'm close to being an E/EE (whatever is 2 sizes above DDD) now, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I'll never go down in that area. I highly doubt I could find a bra that is catered to young women who have a bigger top half.

The picture at the left is when I was pregnant with Niklas. The picture at the right is me now.

Next, I'm going to upload and post the 3D photos of the baby. These will be posted in a FO entry.

Thanks for visiting.

previous entry: Update - I'm pregnant again.

next entry: [Girl] Due date

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She i so high up there! Im happy that the adoptive parents will adopt her as well. That is truly something special.

[Jessi ♥ FLN|0 likes] [|reply]

I bet they are so excited!

Girls sometimes always make people bigger, idk. But you're right you can always get active again.

[Mommy♥f4Star|0 likes] [|reply]

[♥{mrs.kronik}Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Lovely bump. It looks like it's a different shape to the one you had with Niklas.
What absolutely perfect timing with the adoptive parents, how wonderful!

[amy|0 likes] [|reply]

Good timing with the parents! It will be nice that the two children will be tied together by blood.

[.Blue Bella.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

You are so gorgeous! With both children! These adoptive parents are not just a blessing to you but you are to them! I look up to you so much!!

[recklessly abandonedStar|0 likes] [|reply]

She looks like she's going to try to get out through your throat LOL.

You look beautiful, dont think I've ever actually seen a pic of you

[The Mama Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Every pregnancy is different I'm glad they were ready for another baby, and how great it is that they will be from the same birth mother! I'm sure they are very excited.


I'm so glad that Niklas will have a sister!!

[♥, Julie™Star|0 likes] [|reply]

it's so exciting that niklas will have a sister from the mom!

looking at those pictures just makes me think of my aunts saying that carrying low means you're having a boy, high means a girl. i guess for these pregnancies it's true.

[girlsetsfireStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Myspace IconsYou are pregnant again! Such a blessing for adoptive parents to have another child from same mama. You are so fortunate. As are they. And I haven't been on often but you are due in like 3 weeks- wow! enjoy those kicks inside

[Kinsley's Mom|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Update - I'm pregnant again.

next entry: [Girl] Due date

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