I had a release of endorphins or something today, because I feel good.
I do need a shower though. The thought of showering doesn't sound like something I feel like doing at the moment though!
Fable III comes out in two days, and I'm awfully excited about it. (:
I think this entry will be my "introduction" entry.
I mentioned in the first entry that I came here when OD was down. And I am very glad I did.
Anyway, I am 20-years-old. I am currently attending college to be an elementary school teacher. I live in Texas. I am originally from Kansas. I also lived in Michigan for almost a year and a half, and I was born there as well.
I have three sisters, one of which is a twin, and two of which are my half-sisters. I don't have any family in Texas. I miss my twin all the time. She lives in Nebraska, and she's been married for two years. She has a son who also shares our birthday.
I love reading, video games, learning, and playing around on the computer. And I suppose I do like writing quite a lot, even if most of the writing I do nowadays is online journaling.
I am also obsessed with Hello Kitty, coffee, babies, and anything super cute. I love the color pink, and I love being a girl. I have "childish" moments quite a lot. I am an adult, but there will always be a small part of me that will never grow up. I think keeping that curiosity and wonder from childhood is a valuable thing.
In life, I aspire to be a wife and a mother. I'm very into watching shows about wedding dresses and weddings in general at the moment. I've also been reading a lot of non-fiction. There is so much to learn about the world, and I intend to learn as much as I can.
This seems unfinished to me, so I will come back and edit this later... |