last night's entry
May 31, 2011
9:01 pm
I can't get on the internet right now, which means I can't get on Bloop. So, I'll write this entry, and then I will post it later.
We are under a tornado "watch" at the moment, it was only until 8 pm, but now it has been extended until 11 pm and classified as a tornado "warning". A few minutes ago, Kev was video-taping the clouds and lightning, when he said that the sky looked green-ish and he could hear a sound out back that reminded him of a strong water-fall. Since, he had been told that an approaching tornado sounding like a freight train coming, he assumed the worse, and he yelled for me to get the kids quick and head for the Thunderbird that's in the garage. Then we sat there for 15-20 minutes - until we heard some shouting next-door, and when Kev went out to "investigate", he realized that the sky didn't look as ominous as it had before. So, we all piled back into the house. Which is where I am sitting right now.
I have to get up early tomorrow for a doctor's appointment. The PA will finally explain to me about the fibroids that they found on my uterus, and what can be done about them. I also need to talk to her about the carpal tunnel in my right hand/arm, that radiates all the way to my shoulder. It's called "deQuarains tenosynovitis" which just means that there is synovial fluid in the tendons of my arm and hand. I think that's what it means.
I went to a hand specialist. He told me that it was more appropriately called "tennis elbow" to which I replied that I didn't play tennis. He gave me a weird look and then told me that it wasn't ACTUALLY "tennis elbow" (as in getting it from playing tennis), it was just called that because tennis players tended to get it. It's from your arm muscles being used too much and staying in one place for too long.
He gave me a splint and told me to wear it all of the time, but especially at night, because I fold my hand to my arm when I sleep (as he said that most women did). Other than that, he told me to do strengthening exercises for my hand/wrist/arm, and the next step would be cortizone shots or surgery if the exercises didn't work.
Of course, I wore the brace for 2 or 3 days/nights, and then I decided that it wasn't helping, so I stopped wearing it. I take ibuprofen when it starts to tingle, flexeril when the muscles in my neck are extremely tight. And I deal with the pain in my wrist/hand.
But, tomorrow I need to address it again, because it is really starting to hurt. There are tingles going up the inside of my arm and my thumb is sore and swollen.
Truthfully, I would rather deal with and talk to the PA about my wrist/hand/arm then address the problem with the fibroids. My mother-in-law said that fibroids were the reason that she got a hysterectomy, and maybe a hysterectomy will be recommended for me.
My husband does not want me to get an operation. I think it would be lovely not to have to deal with periods for the rest of my life. In fact, the reason that I got the ultra-sound in the first place was because of my sporadic and heavy periods. She said that my pap wasn't normal, but it wasn't abnormal either. I just have to be more consistent and actually going and getting paps every year. (It had been 7 years from my last one - I know, shame on me).
So, anyway, we haven't lost the power yet, so I am going into my room to read "Disturbed" by Kevin O'Brien. Is a really good book so far.
Peace out,