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by ♥ Aime

previous entry: Spiral perm

next entry: Daisy Mae Duren

Snow Way!!


It's never going to go away, the snow. It's been extremely cold and we are going through our wood like there is no tomorrow. I hate winter, I really do. I am dreaming of nights when it is so hot that you have to sleep with the fan on and the window open. What is it, 70 some-odd days until Spring? Ugh.

Cam and I spent the day at Bestie's house yesterday. Katie came up and got us, so I didn't have to worry about driving in the snow/ice, AND I didn't have to worry about getting home before dark. (I have to wear glasses to drive at night). It was a good visit, the twins are getting big (they will be 3 years old in March), Dodge played on my back and Grace said "Amy" Katie ordered pizza and that was our dinner. A good time was had by all.

I needed to get out of the house and away from my oldest. He is 21 years old and ALL he does is sit on the couch all day and play on his computer or his phone. Lazy personified. I can't get him to fill out applications or look for a job, and he is causing friction between my husband and I. This is MY house, and we are back to the days when Aaron runs everything. It sucks.

He and Cameron are fighting, and, again, this is Cameron's house and he has to make consessions for his brother, because God forbid we do anything that hurts Aaron's feelings or makes him feel unwanted. That's what the friction is between my husband and I. Aaron is always THERE, no break from him, no privacy, it's been months since my husband and I have been intimate, because WE HAVE NO PRIVACY. I swear to God, come April or May, when the weather is warm, if Aaron still doesn't have a job or is in anyway NOT participating in this household, I am kicking him out. Husband or no.

previous entry: Spiral perm

next entry: Daisy Mae Duren

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I know things are different today but when I was young, you got thrown out for being lazy and 21 and not applying for jobs. Your hand was forced. So, I agree with your viewpoint of "get out".

[TheHighlander|0 likes] [|reply]

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