I started my NaNoWriMo today. I know, right! I'm 8 days behind the 8-ball. I'm gonna have to do a lot of writing to catch up. But, this is the first year that I have actually done it, so I'm gonna give it my all.
101 in 1001
Word Count Journal
and NoJoMo
So it seems that I will busy right through until the end of this month.
I hope I haven't taken TOO much on, because I usually don't finish things and give up completely if I have too much to do.
Kk, gonna go eat my dinner. Homemade beef stew and an english muffin. Yum.
*Oh, and my brother did finally show up. He basically took his money and ran. *
You go onto the NaNoWriMo website and sign up for it. Then there is a little corner where you can put your wordcount for the day (the total that is). I couldn't find a place on the actual site to write and keep track, so I use my LifeJournal on my computer to save and then it counts the words for me. Hope that helps ya. I wrote almost 3,000 words today, so it seems I might be able to handle it after all. ♥ Aime