and the only time i feel ok is when i'm in your arms. | 11/30/2010 |
Currently: [Tick Tock:] 439pm
[Ends In Y:] Tuesday
[Munching:] Nothing
[Slurping:] Triple Venti White Mocha
[Not Naked:] Gray shirt, gray sweater, & jeans
[Air Pollution:] Brand New: Jude Law and a Semester Abroad
[Chit-Chatting:] Erina, Terrance, Jessica, & Jennell
Scream Me A Love Song. You know, you watch love stories and think that something like that could never happen to you. That it's in the movies because it's not real. How can two people who hate each other wake up one morning and love each other? It's unlikely. It's impossible. But, it happens in the movies all the time. What is it that makes the movies so different from life though? Is it the happy endings? Not every movie has a happy ending. Sometimes the hero doesn't win. But even when the ending is happy and the hero does win, what happens after? What happens next? We don't see the after. We don't see the next. What if what comes next isn't rainbows and butterflies? What if it's landmines and mosquitoes?
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