Currently:[Tick Tock:] 852pm
[Ends In Y:] Tuesday... Happy Birthday Denzel!
[Munching:] Nothing
[Slurping:] Nothing
[Not Naked:] Quietdrive shirt & MSU jogging pants
[Air Pollution:] All Time Low: Weightless
[Chit-Chatting:] Away Message Says... Forever's never seemed so long as when you're not around.
It's like a piece of me is missing.
Scream Me A Love Song.Have you ever felt like your emotions are consuming you? Your stomach'll squirm. Your heart'll race. Your lungs feel like they're full of lead. And no matter how many breaths you take, you can never seem to get enough air. This all consuming sadness eats you up from the inside...Slowly. Taking it's time. Making it's way through you. Each time taking a piece of you that you know you'll never get back. You can't figure out why you every thought smiling was something worth doing. Or why the sound of laughter could brighten up your day. Why a hug could make all your problems disappeared. All you can figure out is that you feel empty. That your heart's been misplaced. You cry without shedding a tear. You scream without making a sound. You're being torn into 1001 pieces, without being torn apart. There's no light at the end of the tunnel...Only never ending darkness. No promise of a better tomorrow...Only your knowledge that everyday is like the next. You're sad today and you'll be sad tomorrow. It's the story of your life. It's your broken record. Everyone cares. No one cares. It doesn't matter. You still feel empty regardless. You still feel incomplete. Your heart still pounds for the one person it never sees.
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