I want to do a month where I don't complain.
I want to focus on specific acts of kindness.
I want to get out of my res room and socialize.
I want to engage liberally in positive gossip.
I want to stand more than I lie.
I want to read paper more than pixels.
I want to spend less money than I budgeted for. And keep the joint account full.
I want to build and follow useful routines.
I want to go to the gym. Often. Possibly once a day often.
I want to be able to run a 5k.
I want to touch my toes.
I want to do a chin/pullup.
I want to actually walk across town.
I want to canoe somewhere.
I want to play properly with SparkDiet. And eat more consistently and better.
I want to find a RET or some other ptsd therapist, and otherwise retrain my brain (EFT etc).
I want to figure out how to disconnect from people who make me miserable, without passively just disappearing, and do it.
I want to find the focus to stay in contact with people I do care about and enjoy.
I want to shut up, look people in the face, pay attention, analyze, listen and act instead of reacting. (Though I understand why I stopped, and there are valid concerns)
I want to reinstitute Frigga's Fridays. And Odin's Wednesdays. And etcetera.
I want to make a companion cube, because yes, I'm that much of a dork.
I want to do the heel and wheel a'thon. And volunteer for the bbq again.
I want to build an SCA persona, and actually, you know, participate.
I want a car and a licence to drive it with.
I want a bass.
I want to get a tattoo or seven.
I want to go camping. And sleep under the stars.
I want to go to Montreal.
I want to build a book of kids songs.
I want to write. Especially letters.
For next January, I boast to go to class.
For next February, I boast to skate.
For next March, I boast to do something interesting for March Break.
For next April, I boast to rock my exams.
For next May, I boast to have a summer job involving kids.
For next June, I boast to make a point to have fun.
For next July, I boast to go another week internet-less. Possibly more.
For next August, I boast to take pictures.
For next September, I boast to do something more active at school, be it RA or Mentoring or some kind of group.
For next October, I boast to have an awesome Thanksgiving.
For next November, I boast to be ready for Yule.
For next December, I boast to do another year review. |