So ive been chronically sick for the past three years, It all started with a little movement when I'd bend over in my PE classes...then turned to pain in my left side and a swollen spot started doctoring: Got told it was a skin infection, took a med was allegeric, had many trips to the ER and clinics, saw EVERY doctor in my town, got told all kind of different stories, took all kinds of meds-nothing helped, had blood tests, and all kinds of testing. Saw doctors outside of my town. Had Ct Scans etc....saw specialists, went to a pain clinic and during this all, things got worse more pain in more pains and more noises and popping/gurgling/twitching/virbration in that spot and all kinds of pain that I break down and cry and lots of abdominal pain/diaherra and all this stuff that really sucks. So saw a GI doctor, got told It was stress, put on anti-depresssant; didn't help at all, guess they jumped to conclusions there. went off anti-depressants, saw a chiropractor- that started to help then it didn't anymore, still seeing him off and on dont know if its helping. Have so much left/right side from under arm to belly button pain, the noises and movements and abdominal pains, finally saw a surgeon..had a hida scan found out my gallbladder was only working at 7% so had gallbladder removed in Sept. did good for first 2 weeks did really good now I'm sick all again and it's worse, it gets so bad I think I will die. Just got off the phone with my surgeon, is going to hook me up with some different GI doctors and I'm having a small bowel series test done tuesday and a colonscopy sometime after, who knows whats wrong. If i had the funding and a way to I'd just take off and go to Mayo Clinic. I want to get better. It has ruined my life |