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previous entry: healing together

next entry: the illusion of life.



Things are just weird.

I got kind of a beating when some mentalist thought I'd been fucking his boyfriend in the bathroom... uuugghhhh... idk, i was freaked out and didn't want to hit back, because ... I just didn't want to risk having a bar fight on my record. Also why I haven't reported it or anything, just left. I know, idiot.

It was mad. This one guy was talking to me, telling me his boyfriend keeps chatting everyone up and is cheating on him. So I say... yeah man, you should dump him, that's shit.

Later, some other guy tells me he's all alone because his FRIEND had a fight with him, and could he hang with me? I was a bit like... eehhh noooo you cannot, but I'm nice, so I said ok, and as I walked out the first guy is going "did you have a good fuck?!" I was like... oh balls, the plot thickens! I just walked away at this point, the second guy comes up to me and is like "he hit me! he poured a drink on me! i'm wet, look!" I said I didn't want to get involved, and went to leave AGAIN, and the FIRST guy was all up in my face, shoving me and screaming and eventually giving me a few fists. His boyfriend/friend/mental patient pulled him away and THEY started brawling, so I made my exit. FUCKED UP.

Rich was all 'I'm gonna go rip his face off!' - no, love, you're not, you're going to walk away NOW.

And then we got a homophobic cab driver who told me it was my own fault for being immoral, and how i'll become a heartless bastard and i'll end up with some alcoholic partner who'll beat me up for being a pussy.... I was considering getting out in the middle of fucking nowhere and walking home and dying of hypothermia. I just kept my mouth shut and made a point of not tipping.

I feel like shit. But I've just sat in today and watched movies and tried not to answer too many questions from my mother about the bruising. Except for "no, it was NOT rich".

I'll have to see if I can work some magic with concealer before work on monday.

On a funnier note, I went to rocky horror and minced about town in stockings and corset (or a basque? or bodice? or something? what is it?) and DIDN'T get beaten up - I did have one guy shout 'give us a wank', which was... different.

previous entry: healing together

next entry: the illusion of life.

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Oh Nick! I'm so sorry, some people are complete idiots. I hope you aren't too bruised up.


[MonsoonStar|0 likes] [|reply]

that's just awful.

I wish you'd socked him in the face

& I love rocky. I'm going on friday.

[Saoirse|+|SiochainStar|0 likes] [|reply]

D: What the hell.
Those people are such freaking pricks that needs a good foot to groin action.

[l'etoileStar|0 likes] [|reply]

i have tried to add water to the dry food and it makes it all mushy and he still wont eat it and then its wasted because its not like i can put it back in the bag/container... i think im going to start him out with a time limit. Set it out for 15 minutes and if he doesnt eat, then do so be it. I have two goldens that get fed in the same room and since Cooper is only 1 he gets fed while in his crate, and if i close the door he's mad because he's locked in there.. he used to eat whatever we'd put in front of him but now he's "testing the waters to see whose boss" i think lol. the time limit thing is a good idea because since he stopped eating normal i've just been leaving it out all day, and thats wrong!

[~The New Mrs|0 likes] [|reply]

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