SOON! I have a date! My God, I was told to expect it to be about six weeks, but it's for Feb 2nd - only a couple of weeks!
I'm... happy, but... very anxious! I'm really glad I have another appointment with the free counsellor on Tuesday. I think it's going to be good for me to have someone... outwith the process helping me through it, if that makes sense. She'll be able to... listen to me wihtout having an agenda, if that makes sense. I mean, the NHS people will be analysing everything so much that I might feel... nervous about speaking freely in case it's the "wrong" thing to say, or worrying that saying somethign silly and rash might affect their diagnosis, etc. But this counsellor has nothing to do with the process, so I can relax, and say anything, no matter how off the wall and ridiculous!
It's my birthday in a few days. I don't usually give a crap about it, but I'm actually kind of looking forward to it this year! Maybe because I'm feeling a little more enthusiastic about the future! simple layouts.