Surveys + me = this
Do you do drugs?/ Do you want to?
No. And no. Drugs stink. I've seen too many people get on them and then try for years to get off..who still aren't off of them even though they want to be. It's sad and pathetic, and I'm not goin' out like that.
Do you believe in a god/gods?
I do. I believe in God, the christian God. I believe in 1 God, manifested in flesh as Jesus Christ, who always has been and always will be; all powerful, all knowing, almighty; my savior, my redeemer, my provider, my shelter, and my strength. I don't see how I can't believe in Him. I've seen to much done by Him. He's given me my son and allowed me to return to Him, and He's forgiven all my past sins. Yes, I do believe in God - because He first believed in me.
Have you ever used an online dating service?
Haha no.
Do you smoke?/Do you want to?
No way. It's gross.
Are you afraid of clowns or any other carnival creatures?
I'm afraid of heights. And needles anywhere that's NOT my shoulder. But clowns? No.
Do you like watching random stuff burn?
I looked up Masochistic Tickle Me elmo. I do not like to watch random things burn. It's boring.
Are you a virgin?
Oh lord. A technical virgin. My mouth isn’t if that truly counts. I’d like to say I had the full experience before I say “Nope. Not a virgin” though. :| What does THAT mean?? And. No, I'm not. Married, with a kid - I'd say no.
If not, how many people have you laid? If yes, do you want to stay a virgin?
Just one. My wife. The only person I've ever been with.
Do you consider yourself to hold a certain amount of intelligence?
Who doesn’t? For that reason this is sort of a stupid question. People are egocentric creatures and I’ll be [damned] if I don’t consider myself ‘people’.