Shit. I’m angry. Irritated. Short-tempered with Luke. Why? I couldn’t really tell you. I’m just kind of resenting him today. One thing I’m particularly hateful of today is his stack of books under the coffee table. Why are they there? He’s not reading them all at once. In fact, the book he is currently reading stays on his bed-side table. I mean, they’re not even stacked for display or anything. Just thrown there under a bunch of newspapers and junk mail. It irritates me for no end because when I sit on the floor with my stepson and he’s playing with his cars or whatever, I can’t help but try to tidy up that space under the coffee table. And it’s impossible because I don’t want to b e like, omg can you move your fucking books? Because Luke would just point out that every thing else in the room belongs to me and that the little space under the table is the one spot which he has left untidy.
,,,woah just fell asleep. Bedt iem then!
i had a bit more to sayu though about why i might be angry at him (it[s never straight forward when it comes to my emotions or anything is it) nbt as you can see my typinf is deteriorating and im falling asleep so maybe you guys can suggest reasons bye