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an empty frame.'s Diary
by an empty frame.

previous entry: A survey about my relationship lol (my entries getting lamer and lamer but LEAVE NOTES ANYWAY)

next entry: I will be anorexic forever and ever and ever and it will never end and I will never not be sick again...

My stupid boyfriend's angry fist


Luke got in a fist fight today after work (a bunch of them will usually hang at a pub or something on Friday arvos). Fucking idiot. I mentioned several weeks ago that Luke was wanting to come out of the closet to his work mates who have thought he was straight since forever. Well, he did that, about two weeks ago at a similar Friday after-work shindig. This afternoon one of the guys made a homophobic comment in reference to Luke to another guy, in clear ear shot, so Luke took it upon himself to confront him right there by pushing him, demanding that he repeat what he'd just said, then punching him several times in the head until he fell over, kicked him while he was down (wearing his work boots with steel caps for fucks sake), pulled him up again and continued to punch the shit out of him. Then FINALLY they pulled Luke off him and he was kicked out and banned from the venue. 

One of the other guys brought him home and a few hours later Luke and I went back to pick up his truck. Thankfully it hadn't been trashed because I was worried it would have been, although Luke was like "nah". I mean god am I overreacting here? Luke knocked a bunch of this guy's teeth out and he just shrugs it off!! I had a heart attack when someone else brought him home and Luke had blood on his shirt, I thought he'd been attacked!!! 

The guy who drove him home was telling me all about it like it was some awesome piece of entertainment and I'm just standing there chain smoking like fuck in the hopes that he (the driver guy) doesn't realise how much I AM NOT OK WITH THIS. Thankfully he didn't hang around after he finished his little story and I certainly didn't invite him inside. Once he was gone I just GLARED at Luke, like, please tell me that's not true, because according to this guy, the other guy didn't get a single hit in. It wasn't self defense at all. Luke just flat out fucking attacked this guy for no reason other than to assert his masculinity. What a bunch of fucking losers to just watch and cheer while he smashed this guy's face in, too. 

Curious to hear what you guys think of this, the males especially. Is this normal? Is this acceptable? Am I being a pansy ass girly boy by being so shocked by this? I hate violence. I mean, ok I know personally I would have major orgasms if Luke did to me what he did to that guy but there is a huge difference between our consensual sadomasochistic sexual play and just plain street violence and I don't approve of the latter one bit.

previous entry: A survey about my relationship lol (my entries getting lamer and lamer but LEAVE NOTES ANYWAY)

next entry: I will be anorexic forever and ever and ever and it will never end and I will never not be sick again...

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I understand why Luke was so angry, discrimination is not okay. Butttt, he also could've handled it a different way. Violence is never ever the answer.

The other dudes in the bar could've stopped it as well as the staff at the bar. The bystanders were jsut encouraging Luke to beat the living shit out of that guy. I know I HATE when my boyfriend pulls his tough guy act when other guys talk to me, or whatever. Violence doesn't solve anything.

[- misseriin*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

My brother is ALWAYS getting into fights. I don't get it. There are other ways to get your point across, VIOLENCE is NOT the answer. I can understand he was upset and wanted to make his case, but he def handled it wrong. Hopefully the other guy doesn't press charges. good luck.

[LittleMighty|0 likes] [|reply]

Agree with the first two commenters up there! Damn.


[foreverglowStar|0 likes] [|reply]

i don't think it was right of luke to just drop the guy like that. i get the feeling it would've end up getting physical anyway, but luke didn't even give the guy a chance to say "oh relax it was a joke" or to get a punch in. so i don't really agree with what went down. on the flip side though i think his work people will think twice before openly mocking him again.

[& skull.Star|0 likes] [|reply]

RYN: No that makes sense. "Converse" is more like how OD works. When you reply you reply to the most recent entry. Although, if adding people to favorites is useless, how do you bookmark them to know they updated??? LOL Im so confused!

[Teflon_Superhero|0 likes] [|reply]

RYN: AAAAAAAAH haha HA! I get it now!!! Thank you, kind sir!

[Teflon_Superhero|0 likes] [|reply]

Hello darling! Wow first of all I NEVER thought I'd get the response I got. People seem pretty okay so far. I haven't gotten the expected "You're a whore speech" which I could care less about, if I really cared I wouldn't deal with it. And second I feel the exact same way. I can't put up with an eight hour job. Third. I am seeing someone and like you said it doesn't take time away from him. And maybe I'm not in love with him but he's someone I do however care about. to some extent. He accepts me (for now)and lastly I certainly understand how sex work can be damaging, but I just don’t react to it the way society tells me I should. I don’t feel like I’ve done anything wrong. I sell something that is mine to another consenting adult, and everybody gets what they want in the end.

[college call girl|0 likes] [|reply]

I couldn't have said it any better. I love you

[college call girl|0 likes] [|reply]

He probably could have handled it differently, and if the people he was with were really his friends they would have told the guy to shut up. Violence isn't always the answer, but talking doesn't always get the point across to ignorant people either. Not saying that fighting is the way to go...haha. He could have just walked away too, because sooner or later, with that mouth, that guy had it coming from SOMEONE.

[*Ariana*|0 likes] [|reply]

I don't know how I would feel in that situation. Did he handle it poorly? Yes. But will they ever make another stupid comment like that around him again? Probably not. He may have 'gained their respect' in a way.

[Poetic Justice|0 likes] [|reply]

Yeah, I get along with my family when we're around each other, but that's pretty much it. And that rarely happens. I get along wonderfully with my parents (and one brother that I actually just found out about a few years ago), but if the rest of them never spoke to me again, I doubt I'd even notice. They're a different 'social class' than I am, I guess. But whatever. Family is what you make it, and my friends have been the only family I've had in a LONG time. That's good enough for me =)

[Poetic Justice|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: A survey about my relationship lol (my entries getting lamer and lamer but LEAVE NOTES ANYWAY)

next entry: I will be anorexic forever and ever and ever and it will never end and I will never not be sick again...

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