Luke and I have spent the evening having a most lovely scene where he did some mcrobranding on my chest, the word LOVE in large script to juxtapose the self-scarification word HATE I have in block letters across my stomach.
I was floating far away in sub space the whole time and let me tell you, the microbrand, both of our first experience with it, was a far less painful experience than the scarification lol. The scarification I had started by impulse by cutting and Luke neatened up and made it look a lot nicer by skin removal method like, I dunno, six months ago? The HATE scar is permanent but the LOVE brand is likely to fade between a few weeks to a few months. I'll get Luke to go over it.
It was nice. I loved it. I felt like Luke was burning his name into my heart. I wish he was!!!!!! However the smell of burning flesh is making me a bit ill...