I must do my chores. I must do my chores. I must do my chores! Stop procrastinating! I'm scared of the St Andrews Cross. Luke knows this, and has administered a list of impossible tasks accordingly. Now I remember that old saying, "be careful what you wish for," and I wish I had! But it is exciting to see Luke's sadistic streak returning... He'll have me wrapped around his little finger by the end of the week, for sure. Oh wait, he already does *snort*. Ok, back to it. If I get this shit done let it be known that I am AARON ZEE #1 DOMESTIC BITCH~!!@#!@#3 Our house might actually look presentable for once.
NO MORE VIDEO GAMES GODDAMMIT. I had no intention of playing that thing when I bought it for him and yet I can't escape the lure of the stupid thing... But it's nice watching Luke play with it. OK FUCK I'M GOING NOW I SWEAR.