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an empty frame.'s Diary
by an empty frame.

previous entry: At war with myself again

next entry: Boredom

Worried about Young and Jeeves


[NB I wrote this entry below last night, so it's actually older than my previous entry, which I wrote today, but still current.]
Ffffuuuuucccckkkkk. Young emailed me. He sounded a bit distraught. Distraut? Can't spell. Anyway. He seems depressed (no surprise there but anyway) and was on the train crying, trying to call me, but had no money on his phone. He says he can't do this with me or without me, etc, and has no one to confide in, etc. Poor kid. But blah. So ive emailed him back asking him if he's ok. No reply. Typical. And yet I'm worried, so of course I've checked my email a thousand times.

Giovanni seems in higher spirits today. Luke came over after work and we were fooling around in the bedroom (you know what I mean lol) but I could hear Gabriel and Giovanni playing in the liviing room and it put me off, and Luke was like, 'er, this is awkward' and I was like 'yeah' so he went back to his dad's (because they planned dinner with his sister's family tonight, hence why we couldnt just wait til Gabriel had gone to bed). It sucks. I wanted to fuck. It's been days. i don't want him to resent that Giovanni and Gabriel are staying here but I don't want Giovanni to be alone, especially because Gabriel is on school holidays now so Jeeves needs exra help with him. i still have no idea if his dad is days or weeks or months away from dying and it's scary I have no idea how Giovanni will react. He doesn.t talk about it. He still has his boyfriend too and he doesn't talk about him either. In fact the only fucken thing he talks about is Gabriel.

Awww Luke just txtd me saying he wishes I was there and he misses me. Now I feel bad for declining the dinner invite oh well.

previous entry: At war with myself again

next entry: Boredom

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-head desk- young wtf are you doing?

just wondering, why doesn't jeeves stay with his boyfriend? probably emotionally better to be around you, but yeah. just thought of it.

[& skull.|0 likes] [|reply]

Because it's for a while and he wants to be where Gabriel is. I don't know what his bfs living arrangements are but they might not be suitable for Gabriel I suppose!

[an empty frame.|0 likes] [|reply]

Cancel that, his bf suggested he stay with him last night and Jeeves came back here like "is he crazy! It's too soon for that!" Freaking out for ages lol

[an empty frame.|0 likes] [|reply]

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