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~Anonymouse~'s Blog
by ~Anonymouse~

previous entry: Should I start now or start Jan 1st??

next entry: Samhain 2023

Oh shit.


Hello again... tis I, Batman. Joking. Golly gee, it is cold out. Like really! I've got my flannel coat on and I'm still cold! (Well, my fingers are...) Happy Samhain to you all. As soon as I can, I will do a reading for the day. Right now my bg levels are really low, like 3.8. I have nothing to combat it with either. No snacks, no juice. Aaahhhh!! I'm crashing. I want to eat something soon. 

So, my beauties, what's new these days??


previous entry: Should I start now or start Jan 1st??

next entry: Samhain 2023

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[MP|0 likes] [|reply]

Hey I removed Skype since I don’t really use it and don’t really talk much

[MP|0 likes] [|reply]

What do you use then Marina?

[~Anonymouse~|0 likes] [|reply]

I don’t really use anything except Facebook messenger but that’s only to talk to family

[MP|0 likes] [|reply]

Hey in response to your note sorry I only add family on Facebook. I don’t add any online friends on my Facebook anymore due to the online bullying I had gone through this year and past year. Sorry. We can chat on here via notes.

[MP|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Should I start now or start Jan 1st??

next entry: Samhain 2023

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