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Beyond Belief
by A RedSox Fan

previous entry: Is this the end? byebye 2008

next entry: Start spreading the news, I'm coming today

A good Thursday and a survey


Thursday was a very good day for me despite having a painful headache all day.
First, John Smoltz, a pitcher who played the last 21 years in an Atlanta braves uniform signed with my Boston Redsox to sure up the rotation and give us and him a better chance to win the world series. He is a true competitor.
Secondly, my twin called me to tell me that Rocco Baldelli signed with the Boston Redsox. This Rhode Island native is coming back to the area where his family still calls home. He will serve as our backup outfielder and will probably end up starting about 50 games. He also can be the big bat that comes off the bench that we needed in the late innings.
Thirdly: I know that people only hear about sports when it comes to the Redsox from me. However, there is another team who I have been following for just as long even though they are about 1500 miles away.
The University of Florida sports teams have been my college team since 1990.
I am super excited that behind the great play and respectable leadership of Tim Tebow, the University of Florida beat Oklahoma in a hard fought battle of two great offenses where on this night it was the two defenses who shined the brightest.
Hysman trophy winning Bradford was forced to make a lot of quick passes do to Florida’s very fast defense that lead to two interceptions and Oklahoma being stuffed near their goal line in the first half. Oklahoma, who put up a record 702 points in the regular season including 4 straight 60 plus point games was handcuffed to only two scores.
Florida, who had similar difficulty on offense through the first half, as evidence by the half tie score of 7 to 7, came out in the second half, putting up 17 points in the second half behind the leadership of Tim Tebow and the legs of Harvis and himself, to battle to a victory. Black, who ripped an interception for the Gators when OU was driving with momentum was the play of the game.

The final score
UF 24
OU 14

Congratulations University of Florida Gators

No time for loser cause we are the champions, of college football!

Survey taken from Megan

Figuratively speaking, if I were to rip open your heart, what would I see?
A used baseball going 90 mph.

How would you define the word miracle?
When you do not have a chance and somehow you complete the task, when its all stacked against you and you beat all adversity, A mother lifting a car to save her child, birth, 1969 Mets

Have you ever witnessed a miracle?
Hulk Hogan body slamming Andre the giant? RIP.

What is the nicest thing that someone could do for you?
Be there for me when all I want is to be alone.

If you were stranded on an island, name 3 things you would bring.
A solar powered computer, an inthanit amount of Chinese food and my ??? (inside joke)

You are given 3 wishes. You can wish for anything but for infinite wishes.
1. For my family and friends to be happy and healthy.
2. A lady who loves sports, Disney and is Jewish, who will like me for me, will push me, pull me and stand by me and will want me to do all the same in return.
3. To have enough money to buy, run and manage the Redsox, Fenway park and for my family to live comfortably.

Who is the most influential person in your life, and why?
1. my mom (For all she has done for me)
2. my twin (for being the other half of me. For understanding me when no one else does)
3. my par (for handing me a pack of baseball cards in 1988. and the rest is history)
4. Nolan Ryan, inspiration, determination, drive

Define love in your own words.
Love is the ultimate match of beauty within the mind, heart and soul.

Have you truly ever been in love? If so, describe it.
(Hope I don’t get grilled for this answer)
September 6th 1989, I walked up the ramp and there she was, a thing of beauty. I felt like I was having an outer body experience. I could see myself walking up the ramp and it felt like I was the only person in the world. My body was numb. She may be turning 97 on April 20th, but I love Fenway park.

Describe the biggest transition you have witnessed in your life.
Going to college. All my schooling up till then I always had a team of support around me.
I had: a 1-on-1 aid to take all my notes for me and to walk me to all my classes. She was my reader, my scriber and a mediator between myself and teachers. I also had a Braille-computer teacher, a speech-hearing teacher, a mobility instructor as well as PT and OT.
When I got to college, all of that was suddenly gone. I had to find my way around 3 campuses, take notes on my own, find out from professors prior to the classes the books I’d be using so I could order them on tape or have people start recording for me, talk to professors about how to teach to me (I.E if they write on the board) and how I would be taking tests. I had to do this all in a blind and hearing impaired world.

Who in your life has hurt you the most?
I’m not sure, a lot of people have said and done some pretty bad things to me who are close.

If you could choose one person to live with who would you choose and why?
Right this second? It would be ???

The world is coming to an end. Who would you want to be with when it does?
My family and close friends.

Give me a list of at least 10 things you want to do before you die.

When I was 14, I came up with the top 3.
1. To get married
2. to visit all the major league stadiums
3. To earn a doctorate degree
(rest are wishes, not goals)
4. To be the next famous Jewish psychologist. (hello Freud)
5. To publish a book of poetry
6. To publish a psychology book.
7. To have season tickets to the boston Redsox
8. To fund and construct a little league baseball field.
9. To Go through all 4 major sport hall of fame.
10. (I cant think this without a tear falling)
My mom’s wish to come true: for me to get my sight back.

Is there anything you would like to say to anybody? What?
I loved you, it was too bad you didn’t love me the same way. I am happy you found your love of your life, but I am sad that we are no longer friends.
I’ll be there for you, these five words I swear to you.
Thank you.

How do you vent your feelings?
Mostly I hold it in. Sometimes I write, other times I’ll just put on music or sports.

Are you an open or closed book? Why are you that way?
I am pretty opened if you ask because I do not have many skeletons in my closet..

What is something that very few people know about you?
I never actually done drugs but I’ve gotten a contact high once

How would you describe yourself to a complete stranger?
I am passionate, a great listener, caring, understanding and honest.
I am shy for the most part but have a very outgoing side that very few get to see.
I am picky about food.
Obsessed about baseball, love Bon jovi and have withdrawals if I go without Chinese food for a week. And hey, you’ll see me at the casino every once in a while.

What is one thing you want the world to know about you?
I know that everyone has their problems in life
But its not easy being blind, hearing impaired, in a very visual world.
I am frustrated a lot do to my disabilities but very rarely show it.

Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? Why?
My last two bosses I’ve had both say I am the most optimistic person they know and it is true. There are a lot of negative things in this world, why make it more difficult than it has to be?

What are your views on abortion?
first trimester, up to the woman 100%
2nd-3rd trimester, if medical, can be up to woman, if financial, she can put it up for adoption. A woman has to know that she can’t just have unprotected sex when ever if she is just going to kill the fetus and repeat the cycle.

Are you a very biased person, or are you more open-minded?
I’m opened minded but there are things I have my solid views on and like I said earlier, I’m a picky eater.

You have $1,000,000 to spend on someone else. Who would you spend it on? Why?
My parents for all the sacrifice, love and time they have given me. I know it is not much of a trade, but they deserve to live comfortably and happy for all they have given not only me but my siblings as well. .

What is your definition of perfect?
81 pitch, 27 strike out game by a pitcher. Never happened before and will not ever happen. AKA there is no such thing as perfection

Who can you not live without?
My family and close friends.

What do you believe happens when we die?
We all go to this baseball stadium up there somewhere and the more Mitzvahs you do, the closer you are to the action.

Do you think there really will be an end of the Earth?
Yes, someday, because of the depletion of the ozone, all the glaciers will all melt and earth will be a ball of Sault water

Do you think that everything really will be okay in the end?
In the end? After asking about if I think there will be an end of the earth someday you ask me if everything will be ok? I guess, in the end we’ll be Sault water and there wont be anything to worry about.

Who do you enjoy spending most of your time with and why?
Justin and his wife, my old coworkers, some of my friends and ???

Do you believe in magic?
mmm McDonalds

Do you believe that it is possible to treat everyone equally?
NO, we are all individuals.

How do you see the world through your eyes?
I don’t. Everything is black

How do you see your self through your own eyes?
knowledgeable, caring, understanding and a great listener
Determined, stubborn, Picky
Lac self confidence in some things and afraid, scared, worried, unsure of things too.

Do you regret anything? If so, what and why?
Yes, but will remain a skeleton in my closet with a combo lock and key destroyed

Do you really learn from your mistakes?
Most of the time

Do you ever make the same mistakes more than once?
Ugh, yes.

Do you have willpower to get what you want?
I have some willpower.

How would you define living life to the fullest?
Not wasting a moment of your life. Doing everything you ever wanted.

Do you live your life to the fullest?
Not really but I have done a lot in my short time on earth.

What is your first memory of life?
being in cribs and looking at books with my twin

How would you define home?
Home: a place where you live and feel comfortable in. but these two things could be individualized. I lived in school for 4 years but it wasn’t my home. I had a coworker who moved to MA from NY and even though she lives in MA when she visits her family she always said she is going home.
A pentagon flat object that is placed in the ground and serves as the starting and scoring plate in the sport of baseball that also determines balls and strikes.

How would you describe your life to me?
I would describe it as a season of baseball.
There is opening day. A day of hope. Where everyone starts with no wins and no losses. As we go through the games we learn things from our coaches, friends, family and our self. We face some adversity that will mold us. Sometimes we’ll find our self on the disabled list but other times we’d be in “the zone” and sometimes, I am afraid we will be in slumps.
Personally, I’m in the bottom of the 3rd inning so I got a lot more to learn in life and I hope in the end I will make the hall of fame.

Do other people change your views or opinions?

What is the biggest obstacle that has gotten in your way?
Becoming blind at 14 years old

What is the biggest obstacle that you have overcome?
I would love to say my disability, but it is a constant battle in my life.
I would have to say college.

Do you care about what goes on in the world? Why or why not?
Yes and no, I don’t need to hear everyday about everyone’s problems that don’t effect me or that I can not directly effect. I don’t watch the news any more because all I hear is bad things. Don’t people want to hear about sports athletes who give away money? Who buy houses fully furnished to a woman and her family after her home was burnt to the ground? Don’t people want to hear about an athlete giving money to construct a hospital in Uganda? A school in Ohio, a playground in Boston? I guess they’d rather hear about a shooting, a rape and a robbery.

What do you look for in life?
Happiness for myself and those who are close to me.

What do you dream of doing, or becoming?
The next famous Jewish psychologist.
A sports counselor.

Have you accomplished many goals that you have set for yourself?
Nope, but I’m getting there
I have my master’s degree. I’ve been to 13 baseball stadiums

Do you tend to procrastinate, or do you do stuff when you say you will?
Depends, lately its been more procrastinating

What confuses you the most?
Evil, Cruel, why people abuse the less fortunate.
(on a different plane) females

You can be someone else for a day. Who would you be and why?
A female friend of mine so I can truly understand how she feels for me emotionally, caringly and sexually. Plus I can explore all the pleasures of being a woman.

How do you acquire happiness?
Finding true love, buying things you enjoy, standing in line for 8 hours outside in December till you get Redsox tickets, Calling a local Chinese restaurant, calling a person you care about

How would you define yourself in one word?

previous entry: Is this the end? byebye 2008

next entry: Start spreading the news, I'm coming today

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Sorry to hear about you headache .I know all to well that it sucks to have one.I hope you start feeling better.

Did you get my bloop message????Anyhow I sent one just to let you know.

Take care!

[Just.Me.SuziQ|0 likes] [|reply]

hmm i love being you ???? and you want to be me for a day why would you want that?

[fenway_faithful|0 likes] [|reply]

I might yoink this survey later.
I got the jewish part down! But i'm fairly anti-disney...and I really like the Phillies/Eagles/Flyers. Is that okay?

[Kate.Monster|0 likes] [|reply]

Hi Jonothan, Hope you are wll xx

[Orchid|0 likes] [|reply]

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