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Beyond Belief
by A RedSox Fan

previous entry: It's been 3 years, RIP Stephanie

next entry: work stuff and family stuff. a real update

And so I continue on *poem


And so I continue on
By Jonathan

I don’t know where I belong
I just know I must continue on
Where this journey takes me, I do not know
I do not know where I am going but I must go

The days are as equally dark as the nights
I have no guide, I have no light
But what I do have is the fight
The fight to continue on because I know that someday, everything will be alright

previous entry: It's been 3 years, RIP Stephanie

next entry: work stuff and family stuff. a real update

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This was a really nice poem. I felt I could relate to it.

[Isolde|0 likes] [|reply]

Really like this one! I think it's one of my faves!

[»Mrs. Evans«|0 likes] [|reply]

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