My grand mother, my Nanna, her younger brother was not doing well for the last few week.s
Everyone weekend my father and I tag along most of the time, take my grand parents out for lunch either saturday or sunday. So we took them out today and my mother came too. pPiece by piece my father has been telling my nanna that he has not been doing well. Today we talked about how he only have a few more days and since he's in fl, his children and grand kids are in NY, not much would be happening here so we were talking about having a little family gathering for the boston family for my nanna in memorence of him. She wasnt sure what she wanted and eventually just told my parents to do what they think is best.
We dropped them off at their place and soon after we got home, my father got a call saying my great uncle sullin had passed away.
It is amazing to me, my grand father was one of 8 and my nanna was one of 7, and of all the siblings in that family, my grand parents are the only ones left.
My Grand father will be 94 in two + weeks and my nanna 93 in May.
I have known a lot of people to pass in the last 13 years. I believe the number (ironicly enough) is up to 34.
I dont remember uncle Sullin much, but I do remember how he would pronounce my sister's name funny. Amanda. the middle "A" which should sound like a short a sound, like in cat, he would always pronounce the middle "A" as the a in about." it sounded really funny and my sister would always laugh when he did.
The strange thing, he requested that it not be in the news papers, that he not be burried, he wanted to be creamated and not to sit shiver. (jewish custome) for him. It is very unlike him. He always enjoyed being the center of attention.
You may be gone but you wont be forgotten RIP |