My face is still red... I'll get back to that later.
Today in Boston is Patriots day like I said in my last entry.
I went to the "patriot's day" red sox game that startedc at 11AM.
I went with my best friend John and his friend dave and dave's bro in law, tom.
The weather was perfect and the game was nearly perfect as well.
Matsuzaka pitched a one hitter through 7 innings and the pen came in the mop up the last two innings.
Jed Lowrie went 4-5 with a homerun and he is on fire. He is 16 for his last 30 at bats.
Final score, red sox 9 blue jays 1
Tring to get out, was nuts. I can only compare the streets of Boston along the marathon rout as a moshpit without the physicality, on the streets of boston. People were just pushing their way through.
(note: dave comment "look, the patriots guy is holding the Canadian flag. He looks like he is going to shit himself")
Other crazy comments by dave who is a 3rd grade teacher of history.
"the boston school system's teachers' union is great. We can have a horible teacher and he wont lose his job, he'll just get moved around. So if I finger a 3rd grader, I wont lose my job"
(he's a very big man)
"it was great (that I didnt have anyone sitting next to me) I could spread my legs and let my balls breeve"
His wife called, he gets off the phone and says
"my wife was making sure I took my ass pills (he tore some muscles in his rectum) Ya, you know, I have to finger my asshole."
First night of passover, we had our first sader.
We had 19 people. It was very nice. I always love hanging out with my family. Even if they are crazy.
We started with Kanishes, chopliver, and herrin. Then we had masaball soup. then salad then break.
We had brisket, chicken, sweet and sour meatballs. Baked potato, kugle, mixed cooked vegetables, and... that's all I can think of. Break
Dessert, cookkies, cakes, half moons, cofee and tea.
It was very nice
My older brother cousin Bryan teases everyone equally. However, he got me really good on this night.
I dont even remember everything he said but he was talking about taking me to a club. He said "we can go wednesday night. I hear it's scratch and sniff night" just about everyone was in the room and heard. He just piled it on from there. I was turning shades of reds that I dont think they knew people could turn those shades. Then they were like "dont throw up" and that brought up a time at least 15 years ago, when I did throw up it was after my sister's dance resitle one year and we had chinese food back at the house. My cousin heidi was talkig about making me a playboy mag in braille and she was being pretty descriptive. To be nice, let's just say I through up my dinner. so that story was talked about.
I over heard my cousin talking about a watch (keep in mind, I was under the influance of manishevis wine) she said that it was a leather strap. I said out loud "what about a leather strap" I had everyone roling
OH, bryan brought a lady friend and My twin's dog, well, in Bryan's words "Justin, tell your dog to stop mullestering my friend." my mom said "what did you do to lead him on?" Justin said "there's no peanutbutter down there, is there?"
OH! and my cousin bryan was trying to get me to say dooshbag. My cousin heidi was like... say it. you are a grown man, you are aloud to say it. say dooshbag. Say something vulgar.
(I have never said curse words or "bad" words with females in the room. sorry. I just... I dont know. Even withe the boys, I usually dont say that stuff anyways. I dont see the point. But it was funny they were trying.
(side note: a few years ago, a few of my female coworkers were trying to get me to ay a "ccurse" word. they never heard me swear and wanted to hear me say something.I never did)
Lastly, BABY NEWS!
my best friend and his wife are having a baby. She finally posted it today on facebook. My uncle asked if I knew about the news that kat posted on her facebook page. I said, well, it depends upon what you are talking about.
He told everyone in the room (everyone knows my best friend and his wife) what the facebook page said.
I said, I have known for a long time.
"how long have you known for?"
(I said that I knew a few days later)
someone said "did you know that day?"
someone else "You were probably in the room"