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check your insanity at the door
by fifty shades.
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check your insanity at the door
by fifty shades.

previous entry: disc golfin'

next entry: mango with me

total waste of space


Amber, the girl who got fired for lying about getting arrested, was beyond pissed because we went to the zoo without her. 3 out of the 4 people who went don't like her and don't want to be around her. Whitney claims she doesn't really like her, but will put up with her. I don't have time to put up with people like her, haha.

I told her to stop freaking out and if she wanted to go to the zoo that bad, go with her new roomie. I made her even more pissed after saying that. It's just the god damn zoo. Stop acting like your 12 and get over it. Things like this makes me love the idea of her not working at the Meadowmere anymore.

Karma's a bitch honey.

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damn sounds like she doesn't have any friends

[mixieStar|0 likes] [|reply]

that's what happens when you are completely psycho and lie about everything.

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

lol yeah it is. I still feel bad for people like that though... like if they are really crazy then they probably don't know it's them that drives people away, kinda sad you know? lol or maybe I'm just a bitch for thinking they're lonely....

[mixieStar|0 likes] [|reply]

you are not a bitch for thinking that lol

i liked her when i was younger & we were in high school together

I still liked her when i worked with her.

she went psycho on me when i bought a new car...

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

weird. I read that other comment, maybe she is a compulsive liar? Like it is a problem that she can't control/needs medical attention for. My old roommate was one of those, it was so crazy the lies she would tell, they were so ridiculous she would just make up untrue details in her stories for no reason. It was like... all of us (her friends) had to be really careful about talking to her/trusting her because she had this problem of lying plus she was also a compulsive klepto, like she would steal the most pointless things, a spoon, the lid to tupperware, a gift card with no money on it. She was otherwise a good person, she just had these things about her that she couldn't control. I'm not friends with her anymore lol but still, I feel bad because she couldn't help it.

[mixieStar|0 likes] [|reply]

i really think this girl amber would benefit from counseling.
i also had a friend kind of like the person you were describing in your comment.
i could not deal with the lying anymore and pointless things she would do to get attention.
it is sad and deep down i do feel bad for people like that.
i just can't have them in my life though.
they stress me out too much.

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

Yeah I totally know what you mean, I can't handle it either. I guess I just feel worse about it than most people because I have the "savior" complex, I want to help everyone, I have this natural "mothering" instinct and because I can't have kids it's all weird and directed towards every fucked up person I come across lol.

[mixieStar|0 likes] [|reply]

i was like that when i was in high school. i wanted to help everyone with their problems haha.

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

Wow that sounds like a lot of drama.

If she got fired for lying about something like being arrested... then did she really think people would want to be around her.

what else may she have lied about.

[Caroline ♥|0 likes] [|reply]

it baffles me about lying to our boss about getting arrested.
come to find out, she didn't want to go to work because her friend [her new roomie] was moving in.
she should have just called out and said "i'm sick"

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

Ha! So instead of just saying i'm sick she made up this big lie? All that trouble for her room mate? LMFAO! I love stupid people.

[Caroline ♥|0 likes] [|reply]

yeah, she is a real winner ;] lol
the week before this happened, she really did get arrested from doing a hit and run & getting an OUI [DUI] and called out haha.

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]


What is the world coming too.

Lots of jobs look down on you for being arrested.

Some jobs even fire you for getting a DUI!

[Caroline ♥|0 likes] [|reply]

my boss was going to give her a second chance too!
...until she lied about getting arrested lmao

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

Well i'm glad your boss didn't try and give her a thrid chance!

[Caroline ♥|0 likes] [|reply]

I would have flipped.

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

This is why I'm glad I have very few friends and want to work with animals. To many people are psycho!

[Simply Rachel|0 likes] [|reply]

i know!

i'm glad work has been a lot less stressful without her.

i just don't like dealing with that stuff outside of work now.

i blocked her on facebook :] heh

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

I don't understand why people like to start drama all the time. It's so annoying

[crazybeautiful;Star|0 likes] [|reply]

i don't understand it either.

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

Yup, lol. Five kids.

[brooke !|0 likes] [|reply]

:] brave girl lol

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

id love to go to the zoo - wanna take me instead? haha x

[shiloh.xo|0 likes] [|reply]

of course!

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

Yes I am going to be a freshman so this is all new to me!! And thanks for the well wishes.

I am not against community college at all, but when she worked really hard in high school taking college credits getting good grades to get into a hard school, it would be disappointing. Plus as a pre med major, most med schools don't like to see community college. It is sad, but that is the way it works :/.

[Ashyynacole|0 likes] [|reply]

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