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check your insanity at the door
by fifty shades.
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check your insanity at the door
by fifty shades.

previous entry: this conversation is over

next entry: boring day surprise

what goes around, comes around!


what goes around, comes around!

2 updates in one day...HOLY CRAP! It's a miracle for me! It must be because I have the day off and I'm bored as fuck.

Whitney called me after she got home from work today. I was in the process of getting my hair cut, but I called her after I was on my way home. You know how Amber called out today because she claimed she got arrested last night for smashing her ex boyfriends windows in his truck? Well if you don't remember, you can go back to the previous entry. I guess Whitney talked to Michelle and told her how Amber wanted her to lie along with her, but she was obviously not doing that. Michelle or Jill (our general manager) called Amber back and said you can come back to work if you have proof...meaning you better bring in a police report! Obviously she can't bring in a police report because it never happened.

I think everyone might be relieved now that this crappy person will no longer be in our presence.

I feel liberated!

simple layouts.

previous entry: this conversation is over

next entry: boring day surprise

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Lol I love hoodies, don't have THAT many.. but I do have lots of sweaters and jackets. Socks... I have wayyyyy too many socks. Thigh highs and knee highs and pantyhose, oh my! Haha

[mixieStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Wait.. she lied about being arrested just to get out of work? rofl!
Hope she likes being fired. Good riddance to that kind of rubbish.

[holdtehpicklesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

when i heard she lied about the whole getting arrested, i was like why on earth would you say something like that?! i would never do that haha. come to find out, a friend of hers was moving into her house with her, so she didn't want to wait until after work to do everything. i went to work and then did my moving for two days when mark and i moved to the camp! she's ridiculous!

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

Like really!? Why would you want to make the people you work with think you're crazy and prone to destruction of property / being arrest.
I know for sure I wouldn't feel safe around someone like that. It makes it even worse if that's the kind of lie you'd use for an excuse.
...My mind is just blown. Wow.

[holdtehpicklesStar|0 likes] [|reply]

totally. i'm glad she does not know where i live. she's jealous i ended up getting a new car. for all i know she could probably want to come to my house in the middle of the night and destroy it.

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

Woot! Justice served!

[Harlee|0 likes] [|reply]

(: finally!

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

That's just crazy...

[Simply Rachel|0 likes] [|reply]

oh yes it is lol

[fifty shades.|0 likes] [|reply]

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next entry: boring day surprise

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