Hey, what's up? I have made this diary for special things like Idk I wanna help ppl. I see ppl dealing with major problems and I really feel bad, you know? So if anyone wants to vent or need anyone I'm here for ya. This is how this diary works though. You tell me what your problem is and I will make an entry about your problem. Whatever your problems are I'm here. Please do not hesitate. We all have problems and I really just wanna relieve you from all the pain and crazy moments you're dealing with. Relationships, Family anything. I'm here to help. So anyone? I know some of you reads this and say wtf? Why does this person wanna help and get involved? Well, I have always been there for ppl and I see relationship problems, family problems and other problems as well. I feel bad you know? I wanna be there for anyone who's got those problems. I pretty much have seen ppl and dealt with things as well. I don't mind it at all. So, go ahead. Hate it love it. But seriously I just wanna help. Please Thank you for reading
One Thing I should mention I will write the entry only on your problem I wont be revealing who you are. Just the problem