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Writing is more than a hobby, it's a passion
by Author_In_The_Making

previous entry: LTTA-PLAN IN ACTION

next entry: LTTA-I PROMISE YOU



le strike

Dalila walked into her dorm room where Violet was on the phone with her new boy of the week. Different one than when I left, no doubt. There was her bed, still made like she had left it, cold and empty. For the past five days she had fallen asleep in Bryce’s arms and usually right after making love. Instead of dealing with the bed, she went to the showers and tried to unwind. She was supposed to call Bryce to let him know she made it home ok, but talking to him right now was out of the question. Just thinking about him hurt too much, let alone hearing his voice. After her shower, she walked back to her bed and drug out her cell phone.

Made it back ok. Miss you too bad. Cant talk. Call you soon. I love you and I miss you so bad I think I’m going to die.” she pushed send and flopped onto her bed. Her phone went off, all she did was look at it, she didn’t pick it up for another fifteen minutes.

Understand. Love you more than anything. Miss you so bad. 25 days” She tossed her phone back on the table and drifted off to sleep. It was the only think she could do that wouldn’t make her cry.

She woke up to Violet yelling at her. “Dalila! Get up girl! Come on!” but Dalila rolled over and pulled the blankets over her head. Violet ripped them off and tossed them to the floor. “Dalila! You’re going to be late for class.

“Class doesn’t start until one” she groaned.

“Yes I know and right now it’s” she looked at her cell phone “12:45 in the afternoon.” D sat straight and ran her hands over her face, she grabbed her phone and it was indeed almost one. Which means she slept nearly fifteen hours.

“Oh shit.” and she drug herself out of bed. Quickly she put her hair in a pony tail, threw on fresh clothes and left. She had two hours in between classes so she went back to her room and decided to nap, after setting her alarm. Her last class of the night got over with at eight-thirty, she got back to her room by nine. She decided to needed to call Bryce but still wasn’t feeling up to it. The phone rang twice before he picked up.

“Hey love.” His tone wasn’t chipper but not sullen like she felt.

“Hey B.”

“You ok?”

“I guess. Just really tired I guess. Long trip and feeling pretty wore out.”

“I’m sorry baby. Wish I could help. Tomorrow is my last day of work until Spring, I’m pretty excited.”

“That’s cool.” she yawned.

“Do you want me to let you get some sleep?” Worry in his voice.

“Yeah, that might be a good idea. I love you.” her voice broke, lump in her throat was burning.

“Oh baby… I love you too… I’ll be there soon love.” He was trying to soothe her and she couldn’t wait until he came but he’d have to leave. They’d have eleven straight days together but then he’d go back home.

“I know. I just miss you so bad. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” and before he could say anything else, she hung up. Dalila turned to the wall, covered up, and cried herself to sleep. I never knew love could hurt like this before…

It had been a week and a half since Dalila had come back to school and all she did was go to school, school work, talk to Bryce once a day, and sleep… but mostly sleep. It was Saturday evening and she was taking a nap when Violet sat on the edge of her bed. She gently shook Dalila.


“Mmm?” she rolled over and rubbed her eyes.

“D, I’m really worried about you.” she was looking at D with wide eyes.

“I’m fine, really.. Just super tired.” Dalila sat up, then realized that Steve was in the room too. “Ugh, what is this?” Steve stepped closer.

“We’re just worried about you.”

“Whhhy? I’m just tired and lonely. I want to sleep, there’s nothing wrong with it.”

“Ya know D, they are called first loves for a reason…” Steve said cautiously. Violet got up and walked to her bed while Steve took a seat next to Dalila.

“And why’s that?”

“Because they are a learning experience, a stepping stone… Most of the time, they aren’t your only love.” Dalila glared at him, she knew exactly what he was saying. Breaking up with Br…. Can’t even finish the thought. She shook her head.

“I won’t…”

“I’m not saying too hon, but you’re miserable… I.. We hate seeing you this way. Bryce is worried about you too, ya know…”

“And how do you know that?” she said with a bit of an attitude.

“Because he talked to Violet yesterday, your phone was ringing and you didn’t wake up. So she answered and they had a talk…” Violet was looking at the floor when her glare turned to her…

“What? I just… Arg…” Steve hugged Dalila and kissed the top of her head.

layout by lithium layouts.

previous entry: LTTA-PLAN IN ACTION

next entry: LTTA-I PROMISE YOU

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I'm not likin this Steve guy... just sayin

[MJC|0 likes] [|reply]

Yeah, he's kind of a douche, lol

[Author_In_The_Making|0 likes] [|reply]

Yeah but I'm still lookin forward to more.

[MJC|0 likes] [|reply]

Very interesting! REALLY loving the story!

[WritersCorner|0 likes] [|reply]

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