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The Rat Maze Wall
by Awakened

previous entry: Always Free on Weekends

next entry: Mitt Romney Style (Gangnam Style Parody)

Reasons Why I Am Leaving Facebook


Facebook has become part of many people's lives nowadays. However, I was looking through trending topics on Twitter and found a lot of #ReasonsWhyILeftFacebook or #ReasonsWhyIAmLeavingFacebook. Here are the top ten that I found entertaining:

Top Ten #ReasonsWhyIAmLeavingFacebook

1. It reminded me of ancient times, when people were writing on walls and worshipping cats.

2. Too many idiots posting stuff like, "Like this if you like ice-cream! Ignore if you support murdering babies."

3. Twitter

4. I can't deal with reading thoughts that are longer than 140 characters.

5. I want to begin watering crops in real life.

6. My family joined.

7. That awkward moment when someone deletes their comment on Facebook and you look like you're talking to yourself.

8. Images like these:

9. When they switched to timeline they didn't realize that I needed three separate ones [as I have mastered traveling between parallel worlds.]

10. My parents found my Facebook page.

Feel free to find my collection of life lessons, academic lessons, and other types of lessons at:

previous entry: Always Free on Weekends

next entry: Mitt Romney Style (Gangnam Style Parody)

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I'll admit that I don't like trendy topics, but entry is amazing. It made my whole entire day. It's great that people are communicating online, but let's do so on Bloop instead. I left Fakebook in 2010. Thank. God.

[SpineMelter2000|0 likes] [|reply]

I dislike Flakebook, but I also dislike Twatter. What makes it so great?

[SpineMelter2000|0 likes] [|reply]

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