There comes a point in a person's life where they just dont care anymore. They have been broken beyond repair, and they don't care. Not because they don't want to, because they CAN'T. They can't feel anymore. They can't trust anymore. They can't cry anymore.......they just can't. They can't handle any more pain, or abuse, or whatever they areally going through. They shut it all out and try to live. It doesn't always work. Sometimes it's just too much. sometimes they just can't tale it anymore. Sometimes it hurts too much. Even trying toshut it all out, it doesnt work. The thoughts are always there. The memories of the pain and the scars it left behind. The good memories usually leave the worst. after awhile, they become numb to all that pain, and in the process everything else as well. It's not a quick process. It's a slow gradual slide into the darkness. Feels like quicksand. The more you fight against it, the harder it seems to escape. It's not an easy thing. Dealing with it all and still trying to keep it together. Believe me, I know firsthand. I know what it's like to be numb. To feel nothing but pain and distrust. To want to end it all. I understand. Everything......I always swore to myself I would never become.....this. and look where it got Me. Sometimes, shit happens. Bad things happen to good people in order to make them better people. God has a plan. SSometimes it's just a good idea to let Daddy hold us when we cry...... |