Hi. It's mallori again. Blah. Im so bored.
I shouldn't go to bed right now cause it's only 10:00 dude.
today sucked. im not even kidding
we went to wal-mart.
my parents took me to Taco-Bell. Yum!
I had natchos, u know theres someone named
natcho...wow. that was random.mk. Back
to the day. Now. Damn, I was looking for a
Happy 20th birthday card for Melisa. and
she really Jacked up earlier in the year.
But it was sad and Im not gonna get started.
Well. I found a card. My dad didn't get think it
was apropriate, and I thought It was perfect!!!
Damn what the hell is he ..? the demon?!?
I love him but damn he's stubron.
Well imma go read some more entrys by
other people.
See ya.