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by lady bri.

previous entry: Tired of feeling that you don't care...

next entry: R.I.P. Sweet Angel.....

Am I'm stupid for crying...??


♥ First, I would just like to say that I do have a big heart towards animals. Everyone around me knows that. But now people think I've taken it too far....

For the past few months we have had a mouse in our house. I didn't want it there, but I refused to KILL it. It's not anything big...a little field mouse. Everyone kept telling me to use the little pellets, or the glue traps. But I wouldn't do it. First of all, those things could hurt my dogs, and I won't put them in danger. And Second....mice are living things...rodent or not...I won't kill them. I wanted to find the humane traps. Just catch them in a little box and let them go outside. But we couldn't find any.

Last night Melissa and I came home and I went into the kitchen. I heard a noise and I knew it was the mouse. The noise seemed to be coming from underneath the toaster oven. Now, on top of our toaster over we have a shelf with our spices on it. Melissa thought that we could just move the toaster over, catch the mouse and let it go. So she started pulling the toaster oven away from the wall, when she did the spices started to fall...the mouse got scared and tried to run. It didn't get far. One of the spices fell right on top of it. But that didn't kill the mouse. It sent it into what I thought to be a seizure. The mouse was twitching and jumping on it's back and it was bleeding from it's mouth. It calmed down after a few minutes and just twitched.
I was almost hysterical. I was JUST a mouse. But to sit there knowing there was nothing you could do to help a living thing while it's breaks my heart. I cried until I almost made myself sick. Melissa finally had to get my sister out of bed to handle it. She took it outside somewhere. She won't tell me exactly what she did with it. Which is probably good, b/c I would have been out in the below freezing weather burying it. I taking my big heart too far by crying over a mouse? I'm not sure...All I know is when it happened I felt like I did.


previous entry: Tired of feeling that you don't care...

next entry: R.I.P. Sweet Angel.....

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I'd have cried because I'm a huge sap regards to animals.
That's a sad story, what an awful thing to watch.

[amy|0 likes] [|reply]

NOOOO!!! your not wrong to cry ...
when my bf and i lived with his aunt, there were mice, and we named one 'batman' and one day we found him dead in the basement, somebody had stepped on him =( i cried

[spike.|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: Thanks heaps for your comment, i'm hoping everything will work itself out x

Adam has a mouse that comes out at night and runs around his room too, he hates it cause it chews at the bottom of his door. I can't stand killing insects let alone animals. His dad set up a mouse trap in Adams room and i was pretty upset. Luckily the mouse didn't get caught though. I told his dad he was a mean man and shouldn't kill animals. I don't think he'll try it again.

If the mouse had have gotten caught i would have cried aswell.
It just means you're a caring person, so don't feel silly.

[|0 likes] [|reply]

Aw, sweetheart, that is so cute. I love animals, myself.
Poor mousey. They should make more humane traps.. :/

[Lizzy.|0 likes] [|reply]

Oh thats horrible it always shocks me how crewl people can be!
It's just immature.

[|0 likes] [|reply]

aw. you're sweet. Poor mousey, but he was probably terrified being in the house around the dogs.

feel better.

[Emma|0 likes] [|reply]

=[ I would have cried too

[.starless♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

i'm the same way, i wont even kill spiders, expect we had this huge spider living above our laundry machine, it'd been there for about 2 months and was killing other bugs so i kept it there. . . until it had a whole bunch of babies, idk how i never noticed the egg, but i had to kill it, i kept saying "i'm sorry" as i sprayed it lol.

but no, i would have been sad too, cuz it's not like it was doing anything bad to you guys. i probs wouldn't have cried, but i would have gotten sad.

[christianna♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: Tired of feeling that you don't care...

next entry: R.I.P. Sweet Angel.....

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