Update on my sister....
They gave her the shot yesterday...
This morning they did another ultrasound...the baby's heartrate is 114 bpm. Which is still really strong. We don't know what they are planning to do next.
I just have this feeling...I've had it all day.
Something is WRONG with this. VERY WRONG!!!!!!
They shouldn't be killing this baby.
There has to be SOMETHING that they can do.
With all of the technology in this freakin world, there has to be a way to take that baby from my sister's tube and place it in the uterus and just let it grow!!
They have those tube babies all the time that they grow in labs and then place them in a woman.
C'MON!!! There has to be something they can do, right?????
I'm just.....upset. I know. But I really do feel that there is something that the doctors are missing.
That they could save this baby if they tried!!! OBVIOUSLY, if the meds didn't kill it, then it's there for a reason. Maybe God is giving them time to figure something out....if they'd just TRY!!! Instead of finding new ways to kill it.
I cried earlier, [well I've been crying since all of this started.] But Today, Melissa was sitting there just talking away about her niece and nephew. Sometimes she's not too quick to understand my feelings. It was hard. It's not her fault. She shouldn't have to feel guilty for having a niece and a nephew. That's why I didn't say anything to her about it. But it does hurt. Because while she's talking about how they're growing up so fast and she's so proud of them for the things they're doing, I'm thinking about the only chance I had at being an aunt, the doctors are trying to kill it.
But I'm trying really hard not to take my feelings out on her. It's not her fault. It's not anyone's fault. Although my sister blames herself, thanks in large part to her doctor.
I just can't wrap my head around all of this for some reason. And I can't shake this feeling.
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