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by lady bri.
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by lady bri.

previous entry: New life for us!

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Lesbian stalker on COPS! :]



things. mom was just watching COPS... and this lesbian was stalking a girl she liked. Even got the girls name tattooed on her arm. [after knowing her for a MONTH.] Hilarious shit! Some people give lesbians a bad name! What's all this stuff about lesbians move too fast? Really..seriously?'s that joke go? How do lesbians spend their second dates? moving in together...!
I dunno, whatever. I'm a good little lesbian! :]

ohh- gay question!!! lol I've been pondering this for a while....

Why are 95% of butch lesbians heavy set? This is not a stereotype! I promise! lol It's what I've seen! Anybody got an answer? or suggestions as to why this might be?

Anyways- Melissa was off yesterday! We had a fun day together!! We went to Princeton...saw my sister's new living room stuff! It's pretty, but too elaborate for me! :]
She also got sattin sheets for her bed...bleh.

We got my car started for the first time in months. Jumped it off with the truck. Unhooked the jumper cables...let it idle...turned it off.... And now it's dead again! HAHA I guess to drive it, we'll just have to leave it hooked up to the truck! :]

My sister put hair dye on my hair today! how would you say that... I dyed my hair? Is dyed a word?? Oh well...
The color was faded. It's the same colors, though! Red on top, Black underneath! Actually the red on top is called... Paint The Town!! And it doesn't smell like hair smells like Strawberries!!!! It's awesome!! My head smells like strawberries for days after I use that stuff! Even after I wash my head a few times!! Melissa really likes that! ;] yeppers!

I want to move into my house!!!! NOW!! I hate the place we're in!! But I just have to keep reminding myself....just a few more weeks!! :]]]]

Well- watching John and Kate +8!! LOVE that show! And it's one I've never seen! :]

Have a good rest of the weekend everyone! :]


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i dyed my hair is the correct way to say it.
post pics of the new hair?

[|0 likes] [|reply]

:O what is ladies of bloop and why do they want your bottom?

[|0 likes] [|reply]


How long have you and your girlfriend been together? I like your ticker at the bottom. The site I use doesn't let you use pictures.

Also, I read your sperm donor entry. My boyfriend was a sperm donor for his friends in California. He didn't ask to be as huge a part of the kids life as your friend was. But his friends' son calls him dad and comes out to visit every now and then.

I understand why you don't want a sperm donor to be THAT involved, I wouldn't want someone later in life to decide they want full custody. It your child, you two are raising him/her.

[So In Love 12-12-07|0 likes] [|reply]


Well congratulations on being together for almost 3 years and being married for a year and a half! Did you have a ceremony or was it just the two of you?

I'm lucky to have such a great boyfriend. He's a very understanding person. I wish other people could be like that. My parents absolutely hate him, because they're stuck in the "judge a book by its cover" state of mind.

[So In Love 12-12-07|0 likes] [|reply]

HAHA oh gosh that lady sounds psycho!
I am not sure why butch girls are heavy set, maybe to be more manly? Dunno.

[.xoxoStar|0 likes] [|reply]


I love wedding ceremonies! And I don't understand why they don't make gay weddings legal. If someone is happy with who they love, does it really have to matter whether it's a man or woman they are marrying? It just erks me that they don't just legalize it. There's nothing wrong with it.

We been dating officially since December 12,2007. But we met in August 2008. It wasn't a stupid question, it's understandable. My parents also don't like him because he is so much older than I am. To me, age doesn't matter. I figure that some day my mother will realize how happy I am and just be happy for me.

[So In Love 12-12-07|0 likes] [|reply]


As long as it's legal in your hearts, that's all that counts.

Are they really trying to pass a law against gays/lesbians adopting and being foster parents? That's ridiculous! Is the government really that afraid of gays and lesbians?!

Well, I'm turning 20 next month, and my boyfriend turned 49 this past January. A bit more than 6 1/2 years . But I love him and just like you and Melissa, we don't even realize the age difference. It's only evident when I actually look at his license and see 1960 as a birth year. Especially considering my mom was born in 1963.

[So In Love 12-12-07|0 likes] [|reply]

Thank you!

[gravity girlStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Ahh no I know how to do that, but there is a specific code that starts with < style > so you don't have to bother to keep typing out < font color = > etc. But thanks anyway!
Click my eggs and hatchlings
Adopt one today!

[Lady Acid Fairy|0 likes] [|reply]

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