welcome back??it's been a while, a few years again.
i don't know why i am back, it's not like i have much to say.
my heart is full of anxiety, and i don't know why. There's so many changes in my life right now, and I don't know how well I am really handling it.Maybe that's why i'm back, i always seem to come back when i need to figure things out and don't really want to talk aloud to the people in real life.
I am.... a 33 year old canadian woman
I am a fiance
I am a step-mother.
and right now, that is all i see defining me. Personality aside.
I have a puppy, well he isn't a puppy anymore, but his name is Dexter. He's a pug cross and also a puppy mill rescue.
Right now I am not working and it's driving me crazy. I'm not used to it, first time in 16 years that i haven't had a purpose that way. I need to do something to fill my time. So for now it looks like I have chosen to come back to Bloop and write down my thoughts and try to figure things out.
I am thinking about going back to college, maybe accounting. I'm not sure yet, but why not further my education if I have the chance to, not necessarily the money, but i have the time... I would have to figure out the money later.
So my heart and my head are full, full of what yet? I am not sure. I'll get them out again, slowly, as this used to be my favorite place to be when on the internet.
take care all.
xx B
crayon box