>.< It's Been A While! | 09/15/2015 |
~♥ Today I'm Thankful For... All the good things in life!
I know it has been a while! Life has been so busy and we haven't had internet at our place for over a month now. I'm currently typing this on a teenie ass keyboard for the tablet that I despise because it is so stinkin small and hard to type on, grrr! Life has been very good and very eventful. Lots of ups and downs. My daughter turned NINE in July! Those who have known us a long time - can you believe she's 9?! For his birthday we went out to eat the three of us as a family. For her party we did a Pokemon theme party at the park we've done her party at for years. She loves that park and asks to have her party there every year. It was a great party! Lots of her friends came and all the kids had a great time. It was super special because My Love was there celebrating with us. <3 All these events are extra special because he's a part of them with us.
We just had our 5 month anniversary yesterday. Sometimes it's hard to believe that it's already been 5 months together. I haven't had a relationship last this long in a while. I am sure those of you who have been with your partners much longer may think that it is not much, but for me it is. I am really glad he and I made it this far and are going to be making it even farther! Our relationship hasn't been perfect by far, but we are committed to each other and to making it work. We are a family and we all see the value in what we have.
Work has been very stressful for me the last few months. The kiddo I was watching, his parents did not show much consideration or appreciation. They canceled and changed the schedule a lot, as well as the dad complaining about finances to me. They would show up and pick up late, not communicate with each other (they split up but are sharing the parenting duties), and made my life very complicated. It has gotten a little better since the kiddo started pre k this month, but I'm switching over to being a nanny instead of home childcare. I can charge more, work with just one family, and have the schedule that I want. I'm being choosy and taking my time to find the right fit. I need a much less stressful work situation.
There is so much more I could write about but this keyboard is making my hands cramp and I need to get some sleep. Tomorrow we are dressing in our pirate costumes to get free donuts from Krispy Kreme. We are going to try making donut burgers this weekend too! My Boyfriend said a friend made them for him once and they were good so I'm williing to give it a shot. We saw them selling them at the state fair recently and that's where the idea first came from. I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend to destress and decompress! And donuts!
⊱ ღ Belle Ivy Rose ⊰
Life is pain. Embrace it. Live it. Feel the thrill of falling and the security of rising. Make the most of every moment. Live and love like you'll never let it go. ♥ ~Me
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