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by Losing for Life

next entry: This Stinks!

Weigh in Day


I haven't really had much to write about since I started this diary. I'm not sure how interested people would be in reading about my exercise routines or what I had to eat. I did say I would write at least once a week though so I think that weigh in days are going to be the best time to write. If I have something to say on other days I will probably pop in and post a new entry.

My routine on weigh in day is always the same. I get up, take my morning constitutional and then get on the scale. Today's result was 181lbs which is only a one pound weight loss for the week. I'm not thrilled with such a small amount but I'm not upset pound is better than zero pounds lost.

The most likely reason that I only lost a pound is because I strayed from my diet on Wednesday. My husband and I celebrated our 12th anniversary that day and we went out to eat at a Mongolian Grill. I only went through the line once but I chose lamb, sausage and crab meat along with some vegetables and noodles for my plate. For anyone unfamiliar with the way a Mongolian Grill is set up: You get two bowls and fill one with your choice of meats and the other with vegetables and noodles (Or you can throw whatever you want in both bowls it's all cooked together), then you add your sauce and take it up to the chefs to cook it for you. The food is wonderful but probably not the best choice when you're on a diet lol.

Wednesday was also a workout day but we walked to the restaurant since we don't have a car right now and I was a bit tired when we got home. I didn't want to skip my workout so I took a nap then did my workout once I got up. I do my best to get my workout in no matter what I have planned for that day. I'm really proud of myself that I've been able to keep motivated enough to stick to my routine since in the past I've always found excuses not to keep up with it.

Tomorrow I is a workout day plus I am considering walking up to the library because they are showing the movie "Where the Wild Things Are" for free. At least that's the plan as of right now, I think I could be coming down with the cold that my husband came home with last week. I really don't want to be sick right now because I'm afraid it will throw my routine out of whack. Today I am going to spend some time in bed reading and just relaxing since it's a rest day instead of playing around on my computer all day. Hopefully I'll get to do everything I need and want to do tomorrow.

next entry: This Stinks!

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Its still a loss, well done you!

[Emerald Lies|0 likes] [|reply]

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