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by Losing for Life

previous entry: This Stinks!

next entry: The Next Sound You Hear Will be My Head Hitting the Desk




I don't know what the deal was with my 1lb weight loss last week. But as was said at least it was still a loss. I haven't done anything different this week with my diet but the results were much more dramatic. My weight today was 176.5lbs! I am really, really happy with those results and surprised as well.

Like I said I haven't done anything different as far as what I've been eating. I have a Slimfast meal bar in the morning and a shake at noon plus a morning snack and afternoon snack then I have a sensible dinner that has no more than 500 calories then another small snack no later than 8 p.m. To top it all off I didn't work out at all until yesterday because I caught a cold from my hubby and didn't have the energy to do anything up until yesterday. I started my 30 Day Challenge completely over yesterday with day one, I am really glad that my legs are not as sore as they were a few weeks ago when I started it the first time .

I don't think being sick had anything to do with the dramatic difference this week because it didn't effect my appetite I ate like I always do. I will watch my weight carefully this week and make sure to adjust my diet if it seems like I'm over doing this. I want to lose weight but I don't want to stress my body.

previous entry: This Stinks!

next entry: The Next Sound You Hear Will be My Head Hitting the Desk

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