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Shadows Of Fantasia........
by I Fear Who I Am Beco

previous entry: Organical.

next entry: Truth.



This is the last time I will ever bring this up and I DO MEAN I WILL NEVER SPEAK OF THIS AGAIN. Going to make this simple. We both have soul contracts. We knew each other before. We have so much in common, yet are different too. I cant help my feelings for you, because its a SOUL thing to me, plus I know why we are connected on the inside. I know you care about me, yet are ' straight ' Tho I would never ask you to be monagamous because of that. But I refuse to spend my life pining for you lol. Im going to ask you a question, and I need an answer. In your perspective and your soul and heart, is there anything for me that goes beyond friendship, because if there is never a chance then I am going to let you go. I know what is supposed to be, but I cant and wont force you to see it. I RESPECT your decisions. I can be an asshole and am dark and too intense and deep. BUT I AM REAL. And that is rare. I love you. No matter what. xoxoxo

previous entry: Organical.

next entry: Truth.

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