goodbye cheesecake.
So, I quit The Cheesecake Factory. I already feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! It was ridiculously stressful and they were so unprofessional. I had already made the decision before I went into work on Monday. I was checking my facebook in the morning and Monica, Jeremy's (my boss at Coffee Bean) girlfriend had messaged me. The woman had been messaging me like crazy since I quit Coffee Bean! Haha. There was something she said that stuck with me and pretty much helped me with my decision. She said "You have your whole life to stress out at jobs like you are at Cheesecake, and with you starting school soon I think you should be able to feel relieved about one aspect of your life, which would be working at Coffee Bean. You know everything there, you know how much the people there love you, and it's easy for you to do! Why not leave the stress for school only, not both work and school?!" This is absolutely true. Why would I do that to myself? I'm taking four classes this semester, and I stress easily when it comes to school so why would I want to be dealing with that AND dealing with stress from a new job? Meh.
So I told Jeremy I wanted to come back, and he said he would give me full time benefits (vacation, medical, etc) and a pretty good schedule. From what I know, I'll be opening Friday-Monday, working later Tuesday, and have Wednesday & Thursday off. That works perfect, since I'll have my classes Mon-Wed nights, which means I won't have to get up too early the next day after getting out of class, and Thursday will be my full day off.
I decided to go into work at The Cheesecake Factory on Monday just to get one last day in, and the way the day went just proved why I was quitting. First off, I showed up to find out that I was opening by myself. I had a bad feeling all morning that I was going to be myself, which I wasn't ready for. I mean, what makes them think that after two training opening shifts I'd be set to go on my own? I fully admitted to the managers that I had no idea what I was doing, and Grace (Bakery manager) was like, "I gave you two or three training opening shifts.." Um, I'm sorry, I really only had TWO legitimate opening shifts, the first one was with a girl who hadn't opened in a long ass time and was also dead tired..doesn't make the best trainer for my first day. Second of all, why wouldn't you ASK me if I was ready to open by myself? You'd think they want to make sure I was comfortable before I just went on in there and opened the bakery by myself. I mean, seriously..Anyway, another baker, James, who also happened to be my trainer for the day, came in around 11:30. I told him I didn't know what I was doing and the response I got was so frustrating.."Well, Amber..I like you. I think you're a hard worker, but I think you just say you don't know how to do something when you really do, you're just too scared to make mistakes." What the hell? You don't know me! Ugh, it took everything in my power to not walk out. I already knew I was quitting, so they're lucky I even stayed
The day went on pretty smoothly after that, I even passed my certification. Yep, I am..or was, certified to be in the Bakery. Oh well. Fuck that place. They're completely unprofessional and just..ugh! So glad I'm done with that.
back to my home.
Tomorrow is my first day back at Coffee Bean! Yay! I'm so happy to be going back. I feel so wanted there and I'm just happy it's all working out. I just wish I could work more this week..I only work tomorrow and then I'm off until Monday. Boo! I'm gonna be so boredddd!
I really need to hit the gym. I haven't been in like, a month..gosh that's bad! I've also been eating horrible. The 10 pounds I lost last month has probably been gained back.. I wish food wasn't so damn delicious. Life would be so much easierrrr!
Well, that's all I have! Time to go do absolutely nothing besides sitting on my ass, haha. Woot.
layout by lithium layouts.