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i blinked 182.'s Diary
by i blinked 182.

previous entry: You should have a travel agent, cause' you a trip.

next entry: Please don't let my nerves get the best of me. *edit*



the stars in your eyes light up the sky.

Hi again everybody! I hope everyone had a great weekend and having a good week! I am currently bored so I decided to post a picture entry to show the majority of what my life consists of. Obviously some parts will be left out, but I figured it'd be a good way to get to know me! ENJOY!

P.S. My Bakery manager from The Cheesecake Factory called and asked about my availability, and she already made the schedule for me starting on Saturday. From what I know so far, I work Saturday-Monday. It will all be training. I'm so excited and nervous..eeek!

lithium layouts.

I guess I'll start off with some pictures of me, haha. Just scroll past them, not like they're important or anything

My sweet, beautiful babygirl, Chloe

This is her last Halloween. Doesn't she make an adorable pumpkin? Hehehe.

This is my older brother John. He always makes stupid faces like this when I take a picture of him.. haha

And here's my momma, even though I hate this picture of her because it doesn't really look like her. Now I realize I REALLY need to take more pictures of her!

This is the tattoo I have on my wrist for my mom

Here's a picture of my co-worker from Coffee Bean, Jenn. She's also a really good friend of mine We were at an Angels game. Go Angels!

And this is Jenn's baby, or my "nephew", 6-month-old Mason. She also has a 6-year-old daughter, Madison. I was holding him in the hospital in this picture

Another picture of my handsome little guy, Mason.

Two of my favorite people in the world, Mallory & Roxxay. They live in Vegas, and I visit frequently I LOVE THEM TO PIECES!

Just some pictures of my love for Blink-182 Hehe. Had to.

The view out of one of the windows at my new job, The Cheesecake Factory. So pretty!

One of my FAVORITE movies, Despicable Me. I can't wait to get the two posters I ordered in the mail, yay! Sorry for the flash.

I saw this bus pass by and almost freaked out. I WANT THIS BUS!

And last but not least, pictures I've taken of my favorite place to go, the beach

previous entry: You should have a travel agent, cause' you a trip.

next entry: Please don't let my nerves get the best of me. *edit*

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*siiiigh* I can't wait to go to the beach this year. Only went once last year and it was so damn gross b/c of the oil spill. Although I can't complain though b/c if it weren't for me going tubing instead of to the beach b/c of the oil, I never would've met the love of my life.

Anyways! Patches was a pumpkin for Halloween this year! XD And like Chloe, she was not too amused to be in said costume. XD

[love♥nikStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Awe, well good thing you went then huh?

Awwe, really?! Chloe and Patches had the same idea. How cuuute Yeah, Chloe did not dig it. I was just lucky to get that picture. It's so funny though because whenever I put a costume on her, she still purrs. I think she just gets excited cause I'm interacting with her. She's so weird lol

[i blinked 182.|0 likes] [|reply]

Waah. What happened to Oreo?? He was my favorite squishy.

You're still a hottie.
And I'd still totally smush your brother, no lie

I'm still super glad you're back, it makes me squee when I see you update.


I love you biggest.

[JessicaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

i love the cheese cake factory! yum yum. i love your cats. one of them looks like my cat

[Ms. Lady Burt|0 likes] [|reply]

I wish I was at the beach right now. :|

You're very pretty!

[bumblebee♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: Well, he's not getting a phone so I can't get mine. That's okay, because something better will be out next year when I can get one. & they have buy one get one all the time! So I bought the sunglasses, lol!

[bumblebee♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

You're so pretty- very photogenic (: What an adorable kitty! Wtf, John? o.O Jenn's baby is so adorable- and I love the pic of you & Jenn as well (: Wow- you're obsessed with Blink 182 *laughs* I still have yet to see Despicable Me- soon! Love the view of all the sailboats- kinda reminds me of Marseille ^^ The beach looks gorgeous!

That's wicked you got your schedule for The Cheesecake Factory- good luck with the training & everything! I'm sure you'll do a fab job (:♥

[CrazyBellatrixStar|0 likes] [|reply]

lovely pictures & you're so so pretty!

i'm jealous that you have a beach near to you! :[

[novella ♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

ryc ;; Last night I said I'm in control of the tv! It was great. hehe.

[Ms. Lady Burt|0 likes] [|reply]

you're really pretty. i love being at the beach. it's my favorite place to be as well! although i wish the oregon coast was a lot warmer haha. i also love the cheesecake factory! i'm always getting cheesecakes from there for my family's birthdays

[crazybeautiful;Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Of course not!!! Don't mind a bit!

[{Nellie}|0 likes] [|reply]

Haha Yay my entry is cute
Yeahhhhh, she's always been real quiet and keeps her thoughts to herself. She's a real private person. That's why I feel like I'm God sometimes when she opens up to me!!!

I'm glad you're glad I'm happy!!!

[{Nellie}|0 likes] [|reply]

Oh that's crazy!!! I'm such a loser. I was looking at this entry yesterday and didn't even realize it was you!!! Haha I'm so slow!!!!
You're so effin' CUTE!!!!
I love the tat for your mom! That's really awesome!

[{Nellie}|0 likes] [|reply]

Haha, if I'm dork, you like me, Hmmmmmm what's that make you??? Mhm.. POINT!!!

She is happy! Lmao, yep.. I know she is.

I got a tat on my hand when I 15... I moved with my dad and did it spur of the moment. It was the most adorable little mexican guy and I was cussin' him the hell out. It was vibrating my bone. I want another one, but I don't wanna get something and regret what I get or regret where I put it.

[{Nellie}|0 likes] [|reply]

Well at least you can admit it
It's real little. It's just two stars between my index finger and my thumb!!!
Ha, that sucks he was a jerk... I would probably go back to Indiana just to get another tat from the guy I had. My was EXPENSIVE as hell though for the size.
Lucky ass you

[{Nellie}|0 likes] [|reply]

I really like the tattoo you got for your mom. That's exactly how I feel about my mom. And Despicable Me was an awesome movie. My daughter loooves it!!

[RaisingBean|0 likes] [|reply]

RYC: Silly pictures are always fun ^^♥

[CrazyBellatrixStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Yeah.. It's whatever. I sell Avon, so I take online classes that start at 9 in the morning and end at 3. So I have three different classes Mon, Wed and Friday and Tues, and Thursday I have 2 classes a day. Therefore, I have 4 different teachers... One of them teaches two classes. So it's not like a normal sit down and go to school type thing.

But it's whatever. I have my own life to worry about. If they take my diaries as a joke, then I guess they're just going to have to take them as a joke. But whatever, enough said about them.

I really want the Escalade thooooooooough. Jenn said if I want it bad enough, then she'll seriously think about it. But I'm not settling for a shit car.. The blazor had been wrecked before we got it and of course the dealership we bought it from just forgot to mention that. Assholes.. So that blazor had shit going wrong with it every time we turned around...

But I would pick EVERYBODY up in the Escalade if I could get that...

But see, we can put whatever the settlement was for the blazor and just put it all down on the escalade and we wouldn't have to pay anything for a couple of years. Buuuuut I am only 21, so I know insurance for a 21 year old... and an Escalade is going to be outrageous. But I want my damn Escalade!!! Hahaha
I'm so excited!

[{Nellie}|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: You should have a travel agent, cause' you a trip.

next entry: Please don't let my nerves get the best of me. *edit*

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