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Bloop Hot or Not's Diary
by Bloop Hot or Not

previous entry: 196. Mr.Cyanide

next entry: 198. The Spirit

197. ~insert name~


~insert name~

previous entry: 196. Mr.Cyanide

next entry: 198. The Spirit

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I think you're extremely prettiful. =) I love your hair and the color of your eyes. Gawgous!

[Tam I AmStar|0 likes] [|reply]

aaawwwww thanks chick!

[~insert name~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

You're cute but you should have your upper lip hair removed.


Didn't you have long blonde hair before, or am I getting confused? I've definitely never seen that haircut on you before, but it looks jolly cool, yo!

[PUCK POWERStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I did lol! But it was going ginger from also being red and then there was black underneath and I had put pink and blue streaks in, I was going to a friends wedding, I thought one colour best lol!

[~insert name~Star|0 likes] [|reply]

Haha - it's good to know I wasn't imagining it! You look so different here, I had to click on your diary to make sure you were the same '~insert name~' I thought you were. It does suit you so much better like this. It gives you a natural, warm, centred look, and draws out the expression in your eyes (well your eye, since the other one is hiding behind your hair! ).

[PUCK POWERStar|0 likes] [|reply]

your cute - for some reason i am so detailed that necklace isnt on "right" lol i love ur blue eyes

[*~Amber~*Star|0 likes] [|reply]

previous entry: 196. Mr.Cyanide

next entry: 198. The Spirit

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