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What's your secret?
by BloopSecrets

previous entry: Hiding the fleshlight

next entry: Fake People



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I never had even the slightest problem with gay people until I started working with a bunch of them. Every gay person that comes through where I work is shady and underhanded, setting people up to make comments and enter into conversations only to run crying to management (even if the straight person apologizes afterward). They openly, and in explicit detail, discuss their sex lives in hopes of making someone uncomfortable, and then they report it as 'harassment' or 'discrimination'. They LOOK for reasons to complain, and get people in trouble. It is for that reason that I am growing to hate them.

I apologize to anyone on here who is gay and NOT a psycho. As difficult as it may be to believe, I have no problems with homosexuals. It's just the few that I work with are insane, and trying to give the rest of you a bad name by being cry babies about everything.

previous entry: Hiding the fleshlight

next entry: Fake People

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Nice for the apology I guess.. But still... No... Straight people do the same shit.. Orientation has nothing to do with what they're doing. It's just the type of people they are. Not one person is like another just because of sex, race, orientation etc....

[{Nellie}|0 likes] [|reply]

Aaah the attention-seeking gays. I know a girl like that. Everyone who has a problem with her, does it because she's gay.

Her girlfriends keep breaking up with her because of that. Sad to say I'm better friends with her exes than I am with her

[JessicaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I know people like that!! And it's not 'prejudiced' if you're judging based on experience lol..

Hopefully the people you work with don't color your perceptions of the rest of people who identify with homosexual orientations. There are some really nice/sincere folks out there. (Just remember Ellen DeGeneres and Portia Di Rossi! (sp?))

[Hidden DepthsStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Many differrnt ppl do it im deaf I dont do it some deaf does ot or handicap disabled gay race any type but not all does it I kno what u mean it annoys me I see some deaf ppl say om deaf cant work im like...really?? I dont assoicate with ppl like them

[*~His Mrs.Right~* Star|0 likes] [|reply]

i agree with you 100%

[Ms. Lady Burt|0 likes] [|reply]

I know one person like that. If he's being obnoxiously loud and you tell him to settle down, he'll automatically assume that you're targeting him because he's gay.

It's not only homosexuals that do this, though. Heterosexuals are the same way. But honestly, if it bothers you, find a new job or set THEM up so they do the same shit when a manager is around and they get put in their place. I have NOTHING against gays, one of my best friends is gay, but he's not shitty.

[bumblebee♥Star|0 likes] [|reply]

I resent people like that. They give the rest of us a bad name. I'm queer, myself, but I'm not going to shove it in anyone's face. I'd much rather connect with people than alienate them.

[polywogStar|0 likes] [|reply]

If a person is openly discussing sexual relations in the workplace, that can be considered sexual harassment regardless of orientation, and you can file a complaint with your manager.

[kein mitleidStar|0 likes] [|reply]

There are people out there who like to use the fact that they are gay to get their way. Just like there are people in every minority who do the same. Being a lesbian, I don't do that, I don't even bring up my sexual preference at work. I see that as the best way to do it. I don't want special treatment because of it. But unfortunately there are people who feel a certain amount of entitlement from it. But, most aren't that way. All the gays and lesbians I associate with don't. The ones that do don't make it into my life.
They are as guilty as anyone saying anything. Report them. State that they were the one who brought up said conversation that upset them. The blame is completely on them at that point, and honestly they deserve the reprimand for it.

[Sugar.|0 likes] [|reply]

this shouldnt have even been posted. its not a secret.. its you bitching about ur life.
some of the kindest people i know are gay. so dont go there.

[♥ Mrs. Mommy|0 likes] [|reply]

Their secret is that they're growing to hate gay people because of this. Which is why it was posted.

[JessicaStar|0 likes] [|reply]

I can kind of understand this, but I understand this to people in general. If people at work get a little too personal, I tend to shut myself out of it. Even on my facebook, co workers who are gossipy, or I just feel uncomfortable around don't get added. I think it isn't that you're disliking gay people, I think it's a coincidence that these icky people just happen to be gay. I could say the same thing about blonds in packs of three or more. I've never seen a gaggle of teeny boppers who haven't irritated me. That doesn't mean one doesn't exist.

Make it known that "Hey, I hate to be a buzz kill, but this conversation is really making me uncomfortable. Not because you're openly gay, but because this isn't an appropriate work conversation." You're well within your rights about it, and if you're right and they complain, they have nothing to support themselves with. What they're doing is still considered sexual harassment, and is still against the law- which is there to protect you.

You're not gaybashing, you're irritated by a few bad apples.

[Emily the StrangeStar|0 likes] [|reply]

Report them for discussing their sex lives at work. That's uncomfortable for all, gay or straight, and shouldn't be tolerated in the work place. Work is for work, not discussing how they got porked last night.

[Jaime|0 likes] [|reply]

Thats called asshole. Doesn't matter who they like to have sex with. Strait people do that all the time

[Mommy2Aiden|0 likes] [|reply]

Believe me, this kind of thing isn't limited to just gay people.

[Tango2Romeo|0 likes] [|reply]

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next entry: Fake People

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