He believes Europeans and European-descended Americans have as much right to their own pride as anyone else does. I agree with this. But for some reason, here in the U.S., "black pride" is healthy but "white pride" is racism. This makes no sense to me at all.
I think there's a difference between pride, prejudice and self-righteousness. If you're a zealot for your race to the point of exclusion and discrimination against other races, then there's a problem with that. You can be proud..you do not have to deny or degrade who you are to accept who someone else is.
I agree that it's a shame that people saying "white pride" are met with a negative response. But, there is a difference between wanting to vocalize your pride for being white, and being an extreme racist.
Although one odd thing I've noticed - where I live, at least, it's perfectly acceptable to voice your pride if you narrow down what country you're from. (IE - Irish Pride instead of White Pride) Almost like you have to pick which you're most proud of and go with that.
WOOOOOOOOOOOO GLOW IN THE DARK MOTHER FUCKIN CRACKER PRIDE!!!! Yes, there is a difference between pride and prejudice. You can be proud of your race without hating on other races.
Actually I don't know why I'm shocked.
The numb nuts run around with pillowcases on their head holding things on fire.
I guess the fact that they spout ridiculous hatred helps them to hide the fact that they are completely and utterly insane.