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After A Life Full Of Laughter
by ~*~Bly~Jette~*~

previous entry: 365 Day Prompts Days 18-24

next entry: Secret Life?

Been Gone For Way Too Long!


I'm still here! Well, I'm sorry that I've been gone for so long... I hadn't intended for that hiatus, lol. So I had Riley Ann on Feb. 28th and to say the least, life has been hectic! She's a great baby, she likes to eat and sleep... I can't believe she's 4 months old already.

On Tuesday is Ellie's birthday, she'll be 4 years old. Then Aug. Gabe will be 6! Where did the time go to? I mean, seriously it seems like just yesterday I had Gabriel and here he is getting ready for first grade.

Shawn and I are doing pretty good... We had and are still having a rough patch but it's not too bad. We're working on it. He's currently working full time, yay paychecks but boo for my sanity, lol.

My social life is on a hiatus of it's own but I guess that's what happens when you're a mother of 3, lol. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

But I guess that's all for now... I'll try to up date again soon.


previous entry: 365 Day Prompts Days 18-24

next entry: Secret Life?

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