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--brittany--'s Diary
by --brittany--

previous entry: Military Wife Survey

next entry: Monday Morning

Sunday Night


I hate Sunday nights. I feel like it's nothing but waiting for the week to start. I have several things to do but I don't want to do them. Sheets for my bed are in the dryer but I don't want to get them and make my bed. I need to type of my lesson plans for the month of September but that's not fun. No real work even involved in that! I go them all day on Friday so all I have to do is look up some standards and type them. Just do desire to do it. So I'm just sitting here reading diaries trying to find a few faves. This is already my 3rd entry of the evening so I'm getting right back into this. I need to find a cute layout but I'm not seeing anything I really like. I used to know how to make my own but it's been years since I've done that and no longer remember what to do.

Where has the summer gone? It feels like it was just June and the summer was just beginning. And now tomorrow is the last day of August and next Monday is Labor Day. I love fall so it would be a lot more exciting if we had had a nice summer. It was SO cool here. We had a few hot days in August but that was it. Most of July we were in the 70's. Coldest July on record I think. It's only 67 right now. I'm actually sitting next to the window wrapped up in a blanket because it's so cool. I mean, I love it and everything but it's still August! It's supposed to be hot for a few more weeks.

Off to continue my layout search!

previous entry: Military Wife Survey

next entry: Monday Morning

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awww thank you =D

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