If I am a gift, why don't you open me? Created by lover-face and taken 427 times on Bzoink |
1. What are you listening to?: | Rude Boy |
2. Do you have any good music suggestions?: | Skillet |
3. Hugs or drugs?: | Hugs. |
4. Do you watch the disney channel?: | Not really. |
5. Do you like sushi?: | I do. It's great. |
6. Are looks important?: | They help, but no. |
7. What's your best subject in school? Worst?: | English is my best. Science is probably my worst. |
8. Are you rebellious?: | Not really. |
9. Did you ever have an imaginary friend?: | I don't remember. |
10. Do you like to write?: | I love to write. |
11. What's your favorite comfort food?: | Uhm...Chocolate Chip Cookies. |
12. What do you find attractive in the opposite sex?: | Eyes. |
13. Have you seen any good movies lately? What?: | Valentines Day was pretty good. |
14. Do you like taking pictures of yourself?: | Not really. |
15. Do you eat fast-food?: | Yeah. |
16. Are you misunderstood?: | Everyone is in there own way. |
17. Veggies or fruit?: | Fruit. |
18. List a few of your favorite words.: | Idk. |
19. Can you cook? What's your most delicious dish you cook?: | I can, and I don't know. I cook a lot. |
20. Opposites attract. Do you believe that?: | Yes. |
21. Do you take a long time getting beautiful (aka ready)?: | Nopee. |
22. Incense or candles?: | Both. |
23. Do you dye your hair often?: | Used to. |
24. Do you got a BFF?: | Yes. |
25. In three words how would you describe yourself?: | I don't like describing myself. |
26. Do you collect anything? What?: | Pens. |
27. Do you fall asleep easily?: | Depends on how tired I am. |
28. How many pairs of shoes do you own?: | Not many. |
29. Rain or snow?: | Rain. |
30. What kind of career do you want?: | Something in the writing field. |
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